Chapter 8

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Chapter 8


As soon as we're back in Dublin, there's no time to waste. Cal is gone almost all day every day with Michael Quinlan and/or Colm Canavan. I can hardly keep up with his schedule. Meanwhile, Sean and Parker are working with Colm and Mason to come up with some sort of plan against their father.

Iris, I notice, has drawn more into herself than usual.

She seems stressed, and I know this is all getting to her.

When I try to talk to her about it, she just smiles and says she's fine. But I've known her long enough now to know she's putting on a brave face.

Cal and I are at his father's office late one night when Cal gets a call from Sean back at the house.

I don't hear the conversation, but I see the way Cal frowns with concern, the way he leans forward at his desk, stress lining all his features.

When the call ends, he looks at me, almost with a desperate sort of look on his face.

"Iris isn't well," he says.

We both move to leave as soon as the words leave his lips.

When we get back to the mansion and go towards Sean and Iris's room, Cal knocks on the door carefully. His muscles are bunched and tense, his face is drawn tight. I can tell it's tearing him up – the fact that Iris is upset.

Sean opens the door a crack a moment later, sliding out into the hallway carefully. Sean Donnelly looks tired and worried for his girlfriend.

My heart aches.

There must be something I can do.

"She just..." Sean clears his throat. "I think it's all hitting her – being back here, her cousins. She's not doing so great."

"Can I see her?" I ask, my throat clogging with emotion.

Sean nods and lets me in.

I push into the room as Cal and Sean talk quietly in the hallway.

Iris sits in the chair close to the window, staring out into the summer night.

She smiles weakly at me. Her eyes are puffy from crying. Without a word, I bend down and hug her. Iris lets me hold her as a fresh wave of tears come from her. She cries quietly into my shoulder.

"I'm so sorry, Viv. I thought I could be stronger here."

"Stop that," I shake her a bit. "You are the strongest person I know. Seriously. I don't blame you. This is all a lot."

Iris sniffles. "It just brings back...things. Memories. My ma's death...then all this talk about Uncle Cormac. It's a lot. It makes the shadows creep back in, you know?"

"I completely understand," I squeeze her shoulders. "Please, just know you are not alone right now. I'm here for you."

"I know you are," Iris squeezes my hand with a small, sad smile on her face. She pulls me into her and we just hug in the big chair for a long, quiet moment.

There's a knock on the door. Cal and Sean step in a few seconds later.

"You okay, Ris?" Cal asks, a look of deep concern on his face.

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