Chapter 11

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Chapter 11


Useless. Both of them. The Callahan cousins waste no time getting drunk off their asses. I have a mountain of work to do and keep trying to sneak away to do it, but Cal stops me each time. It's impossible to say no to him when he's being so annoyingly adorable.

As the pair drink, they start talking about tales of their childhood. Cal's accent grows thicker, which makes me smile. They're both laughing their asses off, talking about the 'good old days.'

I can tell Cal is happy to be reunited with his cousin after so long, but I also know he had ulterior motives.

"So, come on. What's the deal, J? You really don't want it?" Cal asks between stories of their mischievous childhood antics.

James gives him a curious look. His cheeks are red from all the liquor.

"Ah...I don't know," James laughs. "Cillian didn't think you'd come back. But here you are. I don't think anyone has as much sway over Tomlin. It should be Derek Callahan's son. They like you. They see you like some kind of hero coming to save us."

"That's not what I am, and we both know it," Cal says, his warm demeanor going slightly cold.

James shrugs. "I don't think I'd be good at it."


"Truly," James nods seriously.

Cal runs a hand over the back of his neck, squeezing. He lets out a long sigh. James is too drunk to notice Cal's distress. I think Cal is often so good at hiding when he's actually upset, though. Maybe over the years, I've been able to clock him better than most.

When Cal notices that I'm looking at him with questioning concern, he just gives me an uneasy smile and demands we order another bottle.

By the time the sun is setting, Cal seems to realize we've been shooting the shit all day, and they've been drinking since noon.

"It's probably best we part ways now," Cal says, taking the words out of my mouth. "Get you to safety."

James sighs, nodding a bit. "Alright."

Cal gives me a long look, as if telling me not to move a muscle, then gets up and helps his stumbling cousin out.

I lean back, rubbing the side of my head, trying to calm my growing headache.

What now?

James doesn't want it. That's clear.

Everyone thinks Cal should be the boss of Dublin – everyone. Everyone except Cal.

How do I show him?

He returns a moment later, smelling of bourbon. Cal falls across the sofa, laying his head in my lap. Mindlessly, I bring my fingers up to stroke his hair comfortingly.

Cal lets out a low groan.

"Fuck, that feels good."

"Alistair," I sigh. "We need to talk."

"You gonna break up with me?"

I roll my eyes. "No. I meant about James."

"I'd rather ram my head into a wall. Repeatedly," he chuckles as he slightly slurs his words. I can't help but smile.

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