Chapter 19

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Chapter 19



If I didn't hate flying before the 12-hour flight to San Francisco from Dublin, I certainly hate it after a five-hour flight to Chicago two days after that.

Chris was happy to see me, but he was also peeved.

I don't really care. He'll always be my baby brother. And when your brother almost dies, you sort of forget about playing things cool.

I spent two days fawning over him, annoying him, and making sure the doctor's did thorough check-ups on him. I also got to meet his 'non-girlfriend,' Aisha – who is definitely a girlfriend. But whatever.

Once I'd overstayed my welcome, I headed back to Chicago.

When I land, Ronan has a car pick me up and brings me to stay at the compound with the Donnellys. I'd organized to have all my things packed away and put in storage so my landlord could lease my apartment, so I had no apartment to go back to.

Stepping into the Donnelly house did feel like coming home, I had to admit. Although, it just wasn't the same without Cal here. It didn't feel quite right. There was some key piece discernibly missing. Something wrong.

"Viv!" Caitlin squeals excitedly as she pulls me into the world's biggest hug. Caitlin is far more emotional than me and starts crying as I hold her tight. "I missed you so much," she tells me.

"God, I missed you too," I smile. "Where are your cuties?"

"Come in! Come in!" Caitlin pulls my arm. The Donnelly mansion looks and smells and feels exactly the same as when I left.

We go into the main living room where Iris is sitting on the couch, playing with Matthew – who has gotten so much bigger since I last saw him.

Luna and Hazel play together on the floor.

When Iris sees me, her smile goes wide. She launches herself at me and we hug for a long time, too.

"It's so, so good to see you!" Iris sighs.

"Are you hungry?" Caitlin asks. "I'm sure all that traveling..."

"I'm fine right now," I say, settling onto the floor with the twins. Hazel squeals excitedly at me and Luna walks over on her little toddler legs, showing off her toy.

Matthew is intrigued by what his cousins are up to, so he awkwardly climbs off the couch and walks over, also offering me a toy. Before I know it, all three toddlers are bringing me a bounty of toys as if I'm some sort of toy dragon.

"Bels and Ro should be home soon. Tris, Sean, Nes, and Damien will be here later for dinner," Caitlin tells me.

I swallow.

There's one person missing from our usual group.

And god, do I miss him.

It's pathetic.

It's only been a few days, but it feels like a lifetime. I've never gone this long without seeing Cal, I don't think. Even before we were together. I missed him and it hadn't even been three days. I never knew I would be that type of person who needed someone, but here I was.

We've been texting a lot but haven't really talked much on the phone. I think he thinks he needs to give me space. Which is so ridiculous. It's all part of his little test that he thinks I want...

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