"I'll let Ronan know," she says. "He can inform the others."

"Hey party people!" a familiar, whimsical voice floats through the garden. We all look up and see my sister Gwen walking into the yard with Martina Marino, her roommate, in toe. I grin and run over to my sister.

"There she is!" I cry as I pull my sister into my arms, swinging her around. She smacks a kiss on my cheek.

"Can't believe you're here! And not even to visit me!" Gwen sighs as I place her back on solid ground. "I should be insulted."

"You should be, but you aren't, right?" I smirk.

"Don't be cute," Gwen snaps.

"Hey Marty," I smile at Gwen's roommate and friend. Martina and I exchange hugs. "What have you got there?" I cock a brow.

"We brought dinner," Martina holds up the bags of food. "Hope you like Indian."

"Fuck yeah," I groan, excited to eat as always.

Gwen and Martina greet the others. Parker is quick to help Martina set up the food for us all. Gwen looks around with purpose. "Who is all here?"

"Why?" I give my sister a look.

She shrugs, "No reason."

"Mickey and Joe are doing recon. Otherwise, you're looking at it."

"Ah, pity," Gwen sighs.

Martina snorts.

"Why, hoping to see someone special?" Iris laughs, putting her arm around my sister.

"She's got a crush on Brent," Martina informs us all.

I roll my eyes to the heavens.

Gwen shrugs with a grin, not even looking a little bit ashamed.

"No," I warn.

Gwen blows a raspberry at me. We all start filling our plates. I sit beside Viv, needing her close for some reason.

I watch as she carefully picks at her food. So polite, my Vivi.

"What do you think of Colm and Mason?" I ask the girls.

"Eh," Gwen shrugs. "Morons. Dangerous, but not unmanageable."

"How dangerous?" I ask my sister.

Gwen and Martina exchange looks.

"Did something happen?" Parker demands before I get a chance to. I'm surprised by Parker Fallon's sudden defense. Usually, he just falls in line. Up until about a year ago he was nothing but a punk kid – but he's really stepped it up lately. I didn't realize he was so invested in Gwen and Martina's well-being.

Gwen waves a dismissive hand. "Nothing we can't handle. Mason is harmless. Colm's still trying to get in Marty's pants a little bit."

Iris scoffs. "Cal, you'll have to talk to him."

"It's not a big deal," Martina blushes. "Seriously."

Parker's eyes are glued to Martina. I recognize the low, simmering rage boiling beneath the surface.

I'm about to ask more, but Viv's bare leg accidentally brushed mine and I forget momentarily how to fucking breathe.

"Where can we find them?" I ask.

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