Chapter thirteen

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It was cold, dark, and grieving, it was as if saddened yowls haunted the night. But it wasn't as cold as the stares from her clammates, but the most painful were the stares of her friends.

She was frozen, as if time was a myth, and the corners of her maw opened, as she was about to speak. TumbleFoot looked at her, pain just visible in her depths of his angered and exhausted eyes.

Stuttering as he spoke, he snapped, "keep quiet. RisingStar will demand what we do with you when she is conscious. For now," he turned to look at SnakeSpeckle, "take her to lay at the rocks. She is not needed of a comfortable sleep."

She was still as SnakeSpeckle dragged her near the wet and muddy rock. Her fur was dampened and cold, and her heart was pounding.

"Im-" her voice was hoarse, and she was interrupted, "no apology will be needed. You are not loyal." SnakeSpeckle hissed.

She sat there and stared at him, her eyes were filled with guilt as she curled up by the cold rocks. After SnakeSpeckle had walked away, she looked up, and watch RavenFeather walk past, he paused for a split second to look at her.

After he looked at her as if she was a different cat, he walked away. She reached her paw out and let out a small sob, before forcing herself quiet, and breathing quickly. what she had done had caused her own mate to be indifferent to her.

She curled up, wrapping her tail over her maw, and sighed, as a wave of grief and exhaustion splashed over her.


The sun was warm, but CowSpot couldn't feel it. She opened her eyes to see SwiftStrike pushing prey over to her and walking away. When she looked up, still in a blur of sleep, she saw Hollypounce's sympathetic glance.

She paused and went to speak, before Hollypounce and SwiftStrike stalked away onto a patrol. She stood, weak, and looked around before stretching.

She trotted into a dense log in camp, slipping through it and out, out of camp. She was running now, still carrying her prey, but more focused on getting to her main location.

She stopped in her pawsteps and set her prey down by the large lake. She sat, and put a paw in her water waving it around, the water splashing. She quit, and watched the water and kept back a sad sob.

All of what happened as a kit, rushed back into her mind, then "join your kin, CowSpot." She covered her ears with her paws, and cried out. "Stop it! Stop it!" She was panting, fear was in her gaze.

She heard loud murmurs in the distance, "she must have ran away. We will find her and gaurd her." Cowspot stood up and rushed to a bush near the end of the lake, she watched quietly from the bushes.

"I can scent her. She is somewhere by the lake." SnakeSpeckle urgently meowed. In panic CowSpot stood still, but the patrol was heading to the bush, she stealthily crept to the tree beside it, and when they were nearing the bush,  stalked away to a tree near the lake.

Waiting, she carefully slinked into the water as if an alligator, carefully keeping her nose and eyes hovering over the water. It was cold and stung, she noticed leaf bare would be coming but it seemed as if it were early.

She saw SnakeSpeckle glance her way and she ducked underwater, waiting as they padded away. She crawled from the water and shook her fur. "Mouse brained fool. Now your soaked."

She grumbled to herself, maybe she should just go with her dad, or maybe just run and become a rogue, staying as far away from clan life as she could. Or, she could simply just....act as if she went hunting, and not even leave her friends, if they even still were her friends.

Her tail swayed carefully, and she decided to go hunt something to bring back, might as well do that to do some good for the clan.

The fight flashed in her mind, and her mother as well, she flattened her ears, and looked around for a mouse, or anything. a plump shrew was digging by a tree, she stalked it slowly, and leaped on it, crushing it with a paw.

She picked it up, holding back the urge to eat it, she hadn't  eaten what she got from swiftstrike, she couldn't. She was sore and her heart was to.

She limped, finding her way back to camp, she was wet cold and her fur matted with blood still. Her fur and her nose stung, making her eyes water as she walked over to the camp entrance.

The clan noticed and stared at her, she placed the mouse down, and started walking back to the clearing, dizzy. It was getting blurry, and she saw a star infront of her. She collapsed on the ground, feeling herself fall on the floor, the grass covering her face, hearing paw steps rush for her. Then everything went black.

Warriors: CowSpots courage Super editionNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ