Chapter three

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{Time skip to the day there being made apprentice's sorry}

A yowled emerged from the StreamRock and CowKit couldn't help but burst with excitement. Her mother licked her fur and meowed gently but stern "make sure you look your best! This is your apprentice ceremony!""

She cuddled against her mom's fur and nervousness washed over her. She would miss the nursery and her mom. She felt fear grip her like an icy claw and she hissed in terror.

"CowKit! Your being made an apprentice!"her mother meowed sternly. "I don't want to leave!" Yowled CowKit.
Her mother let out a mroww of laughter.

"Your being made an apprentice not being exiled. And even so, I'm still your mother" she wrapped her tail comfortably around CowKit a little body.

They walked into the clearing standing near the big rock and RavenKit strolled out his tail held high
HollyKit and SwiftKit ran out tumbling. They were one of the most alike siblings with actions. She felt her tail raise and her ears prick as her leader yowled in joy. "It has come for these kits to become apprentice's "

Cats yowled in excitement, some elders in irritation. "They are going to be fine apprentice's and someday warriors!" he called HollyKit up to the StreamRock and waited for her to scrabble on to it. "HollyKit you will abide by the warrior code and become an amazing apprentice I know pronounce you as HollyPaw you will be mentored by TigerRunner "

Yowling for SwiftKit he leaped to get onto the rock but fell. And in embarrassment he scrambled on top of the StreamRock. Once there he was assigned his mentor YellowGaze "Your new name shall be swiftpaw"

He called Ravenkit up and he clawed his way up. He was assigned BrightBramble and purred "your new name will be RavenPaw."

Then he called for cowkit and she was as happy as can be. She scrambled onto the rock and she was assigned DoveStripe. "You will now be known as Cowpaw" she purred in pride as she leaped down.

As Sunset begun Cowpaw stood up and walked over to RavenPaw "come on I want to show you something!" He purred loudly and started running . "Wait for me! " She yowled purring.

As they were running he stopped abruptly by the lake and she placed her head under his chin purring. The sunset looked very pretty in the water. And Cowpaw was mesmerized. She placed a paw in the water and looked at it as her reflection showed through it and she licked her paw.

She looked behind her and meowed Unexpectedly "this is beautiful!" RavenPaw purred and pawed closer to her. They both sat tucking there legs under themselves and fall asleep.

Waking up she noticed she was covered in water she had ended up moving closer to the water in her sleep. But as she looked up at the sky a milky starry figure padded towards her leaping down "Cowpaw," the figure purred and looked at her to reveal a black cat with white stripes and a white muzzle.

"I am Brokemoon I died in a fox attack of your clan I was deputy before your father. I was also your mother's father" Cowpaw purred and looked up at him "wow " she placed her muzzle on the Brokemoon's leg and listened. "Keep your trust sacred, some may seem good but not all are worthy of your trust, Cowpaw." He begun fading away as she looked into the water and it showed a figure of a cat . The cat leaped and the water splashed as she woke up.

"Silly apprentices you fell asleep by the lake now hurry and go with your mentor." A blurry cat said as she woke up. She leaped up ready to be a real apprentice.

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