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October 18, 2023
Aria's POV

I thought being at a new school was supposed to be torture. Not gonna lie, it's okay. It's not like the movies where the quiet kid gets picked on. But there's just one thing I'm scared of.

Hallways. I dread this place.

It's the main place for bullying.

It hasn't happened yet. But I know it's coming soon.

Okay, well, it's happened. Just not in the hallways where it's meant to be the most intense. Also, it's only one person. No biggie.

But I still can't risk looking at someone the wrong way. Plus, I'm scared of eye contact. I don't know why. Looking into someones eyes is nerve wracking. So I walk with my head down.

I'm surprised that I haven't tripped anyone yet. I can't walk in a straight line with my head up, so I know for a fact it's worse with my head down.

Here's the weird thing though. It's a random Wednesday, at 1:27 PM, and the hallways are... empty.

It could be because I was on the other side of the school, getting things from my locker, and it takes three minutes to get to my next class without doing so.

Even though I have no reason for it, my head is still down. I guess I'm used to it so I don't care to put it up. I kinda like watching my feet wander the halls. Well, I'm actually pretending to be on the moon right now, but whatever.

I may be in my imagination, but I can still hear books falling?

I look behind me to see a girl. A girl that I tripped.

"I'm so sorry!" I said.

"Don't worry, your okay!" she said.

Don't lie to me. I know it's not okay.

I took her by the hand to help her back on her feet, and picked up her textbook and journal. I handed them to her, but when we looked up at each other, it felt like time just froze.

"Hi..." I said.

"Hey..." she responded.

Gray eyes, dirty blonde hair, rose colored cheeks, and she looks like she has a pretty smile. Matter of fact, a beautiful smile.

" I'm seriously sorry, I wasn't paying attention."

"Don't be sorry," she assured. "Honestly I wasn't either. I'm not hurt or anything, so don't sweat it."

— Sages POV —

This girl just bumped me. She seems like she's worried I'm mad. Honestly, I'm not. I know it was an accident.

She's got... almond colored skin. Deeply brown eyes, and black curly, kinda fluffy hair. She's really pretty.

Wait a second...

"Aren't you Aria?"

"Yeah, how'd you know?"

"I sit in front of you in choir."

"Oh yeah, you're Sage, right?

"Yeah! Ever since school started I've been wanting to talk to you, but you seem like you don't want to be bothered. "

"Do you mean that in a good way or bad way?"

"Depends on how you take it. You seem like you'd punch someone if they even come near you."

"Oh no! I wouldn't do that, trust me. I'm pretty much new here and I don't know anyone in that class. Let alone this whole school. I only talk to three people, but they're not in choir with me, so I'm kinda just afraid to talk, you know?"

"Yeah, I understand, but please don't be afraid to talk to me," I told her. I look at the clock, and I see the bell is going to ring in just two minutes. We get a six minute passing period, and I'm somehow still late everyday."We should really get to class, but I'll see you around. Specifically in choir."

"Okay, see ya!"

"Bye, Aria," I said as I walked away.

As I'm walking away, I can't help but think of how nice she was. She seems like a really cool person.

But not just that, how beautiful she is. I don't think I've seen anyone like that before. She has such a pretty smile, eyes that you could probably just look into all day...

Wait, what am I saying? Why am I saying that?

Let me just get to class before I'm late, the bells gonna ring in just one more minute.

Started in the HallwaysWhere stories live. Discover now