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"Mummy, Georgia is crying again." Violet reminds me.

"I'm coming." I huff. I won't lie, I am struggling. Being the Queen and a mother to four children, one of which still requires pretty much my full attention, is hard.

Hayley makes it easier for me though. When I make it to Georgia's nursery, my wife already has her in her arms, bouncing her and trying desperately to calm her down. However, she is still unaware that I have entered the room.

"Please stop crying, sweetheart. Mummy needs a break." she begs the infant, softly.

"I've changed your nappy, your clothes, fed you and you keep spitting your dummies out. What else have I missed? If only you could talk, and tell me what you need." she spoke to the girl.

The way she is with our children makes me warm inside. She's so caring and loving. I couldn't have chosen a better wife to have these children with.

Despite Hayley's efforts, Georgia continues to cry. Hayley seems as though she might cry herself. This where I step into the room and run my fingers along the child's face.

"Georgia, why are you still upset?" I coo to the baby. Hayley looks at me in panic. I know what's going through her head but I don't want it to be true.

"Give her to me and go sit down on the chair." I tell my wife.

She did exactly what I told her to, and I sit in her lap so we can both be there for Georgia. Hayley holds the two of us while I cradle Georgia, rubbing soothing circles on her back. She calms down and falls asleep. We both breathe out a sigh of relief.

"What if she's poorly?" Hayley voices her worries.

"I can get the doctor in. She's crying at an unusual rate. It's upsetting. And I'm scared out of my mind."

"I know, darling."

Just from that small sentence. I could tell Hayley is breaking. She's had it rough.

She's been facing abuse from people everytime she goes out. Things being thrown at her, mace being sprayed in her eyes. People swearing and spitting at her. I've never seen such disrespect in my life. Of course, I'm quick to tell these horrible people off, but it does nothing. They do get arrested, but more seem to show up.

Not to mention, Hayley has been struggling with a lot, not just with the abuse. She misses her family, but she can't go out to see them. I have offered that they come here but she said no because they all need to work and need the pay they earn. She thinks a burden of herself, no matter how much I tell her otherwise.

She's been struggling with my Father's death. Sure, it's been more than a year, a year and a half to be exact, but she's still struggling. She wasn't close to him but I imagine she's traumatised by that day. She blames herself for him dying. She did all she could. It couldn't be helped.

With myself being the Queen, she has had to step up greatly. In every way possible. For the public, the Palace and for our family. Hayley has been single handedly looking after the children. Refusing help from the servants, feeling she has to do everything on her own when she doesn't.

"Darling," Hayley sighed, "I'm tired. What can I do to make it go away?"

"Would you like to go to America? I know you miss your family. Take the children, have a rest and when you come back, I'll be waiting for you all with open arms."

"As lovely as that sounds, I'm afraid I won't be going anywhere without my children and my wife. Do you think you could come along with us?"

"I'll pull some strings." I nod.

Hayley squeezes me and Georgia gently.

"It'll give my parents the chance to meet little Georgia too." Hayley chuckled. I know she's just thinking of the sight of her parents gawking at the baby.

"Yes, we've been so busy lately. I'm really sorry that you can't go and see your family as often as you used to."

"It's okay, darling. I understand."

We sit in a comfortable silence before Georgia cries again. Almost as loud as before.

"I really think we need to call the doctor. She's burning up." I say, hurriedly.

"I'm on it." Hayley said, groaning and struggling to get up. That's unusual. Hayley's mobility has always been nothing short of perfect.

"Darling, are you alright?" I worry.

"I'm just tired. I going to call the doctor." she kissed my cheek before leaving the room.

About ten minutes later, Hayley reappears with the doctor hot on her heel. I handed the child to her and she conducted the necessary examinations on Georgia, who still screamed her heartbreaking cries.

I look towards Hayley who seemed pale and she was teetering.

"Hayley, sit down down, darling. You don't look well at all." I tell her. I help her sit down and notice the sweat dripping from her head, but her fingertips are cold. Her face holds pain as tears start to form in her eyes.

"Are you alright, your majesty?" The doctor asks.

"Yes, I'm fine, you worry about Georgia." Hayley dismissed.

"Princess Georgia has a cold, Ma'am. I suggest she has some IV fluids to calm it down. May I perform a checkup on you, Ma'am?"

"Yes, please, doctor." I nod. If both of my babies have a cold, then I'd rather know that it being something serious and us not knowing at all.

Once the doctor is finished with Hayley, she erupts into a coughing fit. It sounds nasty. I rush to my wife's side and put a comforting hand on her back.

"Are you alright?" I ask.

"My head hurts so much." she tells me, her voice breaking and so does my heart.

"Okay, I think you should get to bed. Get some rest. I'll call your parents."

Hayley nodded weakly, standing up slowly, making that groaning noise again and I helped her to our quarters.

Both Georgia and Hayley are ill, and in so much pain. God, give me strength.

Hayley of WalesWhere stories live. Discover now