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"Princess! How is the pregnancy going?" I hear a number of shouts directed at me as I shake hands with people. It's my Father's birthday so we have just finished Trooping the Colour and we're currently walking to the lunch venue. I am starving.

I am seven months in to my pregnancy and I look like I've swallowed Jupiter. Everyone seems so invested in how it's going. There's just two healthy babies in my womb, nothing special.

I shake hands and smile as Hayley follows behind me, shaking hands and smiling. They love her, which I'm not surprised by. She's awesome and great with people.

"What are the genders, Ma'am?" another shout.

I decide to be spontaneous and answer, "Two girls."

The crowd cheers and hollers at the announcement of my daughters. The two beautiful little girls growing inside of me.

"I thought we were going to wait?" Hayley asks as she catches up to me, still shaking hands as she makes her way down.

I sent her a look of "we'll talk later." and she nodded. Hayley always understands my silent cues and it's something I love about her. We don't have to be verbal with each other.

"Mummy, look! It's Princess Melissa!" I hear a familiar little voice tell her Mother.

"Yes, Poppy. It is. Let's be respectful now. We can't have a repeat of last time- Poppy! Not again!"

From hearing this conversation I was prepared for the girl running into my legs and giggling while she hugged me.

"Now, now, Poppy. What did we say about running away from your Mother?" I muse.

"I just wanted to see you!" she smiles innocently.

"You did?"

"Yeah. Who's that beautiful lady over there, in the suit?"

"That's my wife, Hayley."

"You two are married?" she asks, disappointedly.

"Yes, is that an issue?"

"I wanted to marry you." she pouts.

"Oh, darling. I'm so sorry, I had no idea." I say as I hug her back.

"Would you marry me if you weren't married to Hayley?"

I decide to play into her fantasy, "Absolutely." I beam at the girl.

"Really?" she jumps up and down, but it was weird because she was still pressed up against me.

"Of course. Now you better get back to your Mother. And no more running off!"

"Okay, Princess!" she says as she let's go of me and slips back through the barriers to join her Mother.

"What was all of that about?" Hayley asked, pulling me into her side. We shake hands and wave as we continue on to the restaurant that awaits us at the end of the line of people.

"A little girl who I had met a few months ago. It was the reunion I never knew I needed."

"Really? I couldn't hear anything but you seemed to be great with her."

"You think?"

"Yes, it makes me excited to Mother our children with you." she smiles as she shakes another hand.

"Princess Hayley! Do you miss your sisters?" people shout at my wife. I can feel the sadness radiate off of her, but she still smiles because she has to.

"Ignore them, darling," I whisper to her, "They're trying to get to you."

"I know." she breathes out.

"I think you've had enough for one day, let's get you into the restaurant."

We had just reached the entrance before someone has had shouted that at her. Why you'd they do that? Of course she misses her sisters! Why wouldn't she?

I lead my wife into the restaurant and she follows being like a sad dog. Of course, she only showed this once her back was turned to the crowd, they can't see her without a smile on her face.

Hopefully lunch goes better than the walk. For Hayley's sake.


"Are you alright?" I ask my wife once we were finally back in our room.

"Yes, darling. Why wouldn't I be?" she replied with a smile yet a confused look on her face.

"You've had a stressful day."

I'm surprised she's not down about it. A lot more happened since the lunch and I don't know how she's coping.

"It's all worth it. I get to come home with you everyday and I'd have mace sprayed in my eyes everyday if I had to, just to come back to you."

"But, darling. It wasn't just the mace."

"I know." she said with a sad smile now.

"How about we call your parents? Or one of your sisters? That always cheers you up, doesn't it?" I suggest, handing her phone from the nightstand to her.

"I suppose."

"And it's the perfect time. It'll be about twelve in the afternoon there. Everyone's awake!"

"I don't want to burden them."

"You won't, and you know that."

"Okay, I'll give them a call. Thank you, love."

"There's no need to thank me." I kiss her head and leave go shower and brush my teeth.

"Wait, Missy!" I hear Hayley's voice call from the other side of the bathroom door.

"Yes, Hayley?" I open it and poke my head through.

"You're not planning on showering without me, are you?" she smirks at me. Oh, that face does things to me.

"Well, I was. You were calling your parents, were you not?"

"Yes, but that can wait. I'd like to shower with you first." 

"I suppose you could accompany me in the shower. On one condition."

"What's that?"

"I need help getting my clothes off. This bump doesn't make things easy."

"Of course, darling" Hayley chuckles.

After showering Hayley finally decideds to ring her parents. We're cuddled into each other as she props her arm on my bump, using me as a stand for her arm and phone.

Her parents answer and their faces are so happy when they do.

"Hey, Hayley!" they both answer, excitedly.

"Hi, Mummy! Hi, Mama!" she replies.

They spend the rest of the call catching up and talking about nothing and everything. Hayley really misses her parents, and I wish that this could've been easier for them, but they insit otherwise. My wife claims she wouldn't have it any other way, and her parents want to see her happy. But at what cost?

Hayley of WalesWhere stories live. Discover now