This park is possibly my most favourite place to be with Hayley. It's the park where she had taken me on our first date, all those years ago. Still, the birds chirp and the children play. And we, the same couple, sit on the same blanket, in the same spot, eating the same foods as our three year old twins blabber away. Saying nothing in particular.

Occasionally, we'd respond with, "Really?" or "Is that so?", just so they know we are listening. We're always listening to them.

I look at the blue lollipop that was just in my mouth, wondering why I liked it so much.

I sigh in content as I put the lollipop back into my mouth and take my wife's hand.

"I'm being transported back through time." I tell her.

"Good memories. We shared our first kiss here."

"You made me so bonkers."

"Bonkers?" Hayley laughed.

"So in love, that I went bonkers when you weren't around."

"You're such a flirt." she grinned.

"I love you." I say before kissing her.

"I love you, too." she replies.

There's a moment of thoughtful silence, minus Violet and Lila's chatter, before Hayley speaks again.

"Do you want to know what song you remind me of?" she questions.

"Go on, then."

"Maneater by Nelly Furtado."

"I'm not familiar with that one. What does it go like?"

"Well. If you don't know then you don't know."

"What? Hayley! That's not fair!" I whine.

"Don't care." she shrugs.

"You're sleeping on the sofa tonight."

She only laughs in response.

"But why?" I question, eager to know the song choice.

"Because, and pardon my French, you're a total badass. I wouldn't want to get on your wrong side."

"Can I be that bad?"

"Yes. I've seen you school some of the gaurds."

"Well, I don't mean to be bad." I whine.

"You're not bad! You're just really cool. All the kids want to be like you these days. The dresses you wear sell out days after you go out in them. People go where you go. Hell, the even stand outstide in all sorts of weather just to wave at you or shake your hand. You're so awesome, Missy."

"Don't make me blush."

"Why? It's something that I love doing."

"You're a very kind soul, Hayley. But what if I suggested what we hand the children to your parents and have some alone time? Just me and you, on a comfy bed, with no clothes, a lot of kissing and questionable noises." I suggest.

"I wouldn't be opposed to that idea at all."


"That was so good." I pant. But there's a nagging feeling in the back of my head.

"Yes, it was. Shall we do it again?" Hayley smirks, kissing my chest and up to my neck.

"No, darling. I feel... Strange." I decline. She stops kissing me and gives me a questioning look.

"Strange? Strange how?"

"I don't know. There's this... Nagging feeling. I don't know how to describe it."

"What? Like there's something you know, but you don't know what you know?"

"Yes! Exactly that!" I nod.

"Have you ever had this feeling before?"

I search my memory for a feeling like this. I must admit, it does seem familiar.

"Yes. I think it was after we conceived Lydia..." My eyes widen as I sit up on the bed, looking at Hayley, accusingly.


"I think you got me pregnant again!" I exclaim.

Hayley looks down at my stomach, then back at me.

"Would that be an issue?" she questions.

"Well, not an really."

"Then don't seem so upset."

"I seem upset?"

"Yes, darling."

"How's this for upset?" I ask, pulling her into me to do everything all over again.

"I'll tell you what," Hayley starts, while we are still very much in the middle of intimacy, so fosusing on her words is very difficult.

"Ah- what?" I answer.

"In the morning, we'll get a pregnancy test. If you're pregnant, I'll let you do whatever you want in bed. If you're not, then I'll get you pregnant." she negotiates, still very much pleasuring me with her own parts.

"Since when were you -oh my goodness, right there!" I exclaim as I reach my climax. Hayley does too and remains on me, waiting for me to finish my sentence.

"Since when were you into sexual deals?"

"Since now. So, do we have a deal?"

"Yes. Ah-" I get out before she starts moving again.


"I had Mama pick up some tests." Hayley says, coming back into our hotel room with a few boxes in her hands.

"Are they the tests?" I raise my brows and nod my head to the boxes.

"Yes, shall we take them?"

I nod my head and follow her to the bathroom, where we read the instructions together and then Hayley leaves so I can carry out the tests. We do three, just to be sure.

"We have to wait now." I come out, shrugging.

I lie on the bed with her, waiting for the time to go by. I take her hand and put it between my legs, "Five minutes." I say.

"I'll do it in two and a half." she grins before going to town on me.

As promised, she finished me in two and a half and did it for a second time around. By the time I was done, the tests are ready and would have three, hopefully identical results.

I retrieve them from the bathroom, with out looking.

"Close your eyes, darling." I call out to my wife. While I look away from the tests and Hayley has her eyes closed, I sit back on the bed and lay the tests down.

"3...2...1!" my head snaps down and Hayley's eyes open.

"Oh my goodness." I gasp.

"Oh my goodness, indeed!" Hayley responds.

"Will you follow through with our deal?" I ask, mischievously.

"Of course."

"Good, because you are not going to need those clothes."

Hayley of WalesWhere stories live. Discover now