As the Princess, I am expected to show etiquette, kindness, pride, confiedence, glamour and beauty. While being taught all of these qualities makes my life more appealing to the public, it does not appeal to me. I just want someone to see the real me. The seventeen year old girl who likes to frolic in fields and watch the sunset. The young woman who loves to be adored as the person she is, not because she is a Princess.

That's the type of life that I would like. But instead, I am stuck here, in London, waving and fake smiling at people and pretending like my face doesn't hurt, excepting flowers and shaking hands. A very tedious thing to do on your own but I manage.

"Your Majesty, have you found anyone to marry yet?"

Oh what I would do to not be here and avoid the paparazzi.

"Not yet." I smile politely.

Although there is someone. I'm just not sure if my father would approve. I know Mummy will, she always supports me.

King Sebastian, my father, is a loving man to the public. But wants nothing to do with any of us behind closed doors. Not even his wife, my mother, the Queen Consort. He never supports myself nor my younger sister, Megyn, so we've always been Mummy's girls, which makes the 'bond' between us and our father even weaker.

But this person that I am interested in. They are the person you'd least expect. An American, which would infuriate my father. And they are a girl, maybe my Dad won't be so angry about, but you never know.

Finally, my time for waving and shaking hands is over so I can go home and talk to Mum. I'd really like for her to see my person of interest. I know she'll be just as enthusiastic about me perusing her just as much as I am. Those blue eyes that enchant me through a screen. The silky blonde hair that she ties into a high pony tail. Her sharp jaw line and handsome face. Her very attractive body that just seems to scream my name.

"Mummy? Are you in here?" I call into the Palace Library.

"Yes, darling." I hear her reply.

"I have something to talk to you about." I tell her, walking further into the room to where she is sat at one of the desks.

"What is it, Princess?" she turns to me after placing a book mark along the inside of the spine to save her place in the book.

I sit down next to her. "I know who I would like to persue, romantically."

"Is that so?"


"Who is it then?"

"Well, you see Mummy, she's a girl. And she lives in America."

"That's no problem, we'll just send you on the jet with a few gaurds." Mummy shrugs. "What's her name, darling?"

"Hayley. Hayley Rogerstone-Montgomery."

"She has a very posh last name. Much better than Windsor." Mummy rolls her eyes playfully.

"Quite." I chuckle softly.

"Do you have any pictures? I'd like to see your possible future spouse." Mummy requests, pulling out her glasses that she uses for screens as I pull out my phone to show her my interest.

"She's very handsome. Very handsome indeed. What does your Father think of this?"

"I haven't told him." I tell her shyly.

"Melissa! What am I going to do with you?"

"I don't know."

"Are you going to go to her? And if so, will you tell your Father what you will be doing?"

"I'd like to and if I did, I'd rather not tell him unless she somehow has interest in me too."

"I have an idea. It's not the best but it's an idea. Tell your Father that you want to go on holiday to America. Just you and of course you'll need gaurds. Find your Hayley, see if she shares your feelings and go from there."

I nod. "Thank you, Mummy. You really are the best. I love you."

"I love you, too, darling. All I want is for you to be happy." she kisses my head and plays with my hair.


"Yes, Melissa?" I hear my Father call from the other side of his quarters.

"I have a request."

"What's that, dearest?"

"I'd like to go to America, Los Angeles. I just need a break and I'd really like a place with warm weather."

"When would you like to go?" he looks up from his paperwork.

"As soon as possible. Maybe... Next week? Please."

Now with my Father being the King, I never know what to expect from him. I could either get the King, or my Father.

"Very well. But take Megyn with you. Heaven knows she needs some fresh air."

"Thank you, Father."

I carefully close the door behind me after I leave and practically sprint to Megyn's room.

I pound on her door but don't wait for an answer. I just barge through.

"That wasn't very lady-like." she tells me from her bed.

"I don't care. I'm happy." I pounce on her bed and lie down next to her.

"How can I help you, sister dearest?"

"How would you like to go on holiday with me to America next week?" I ask excitedly.

"Where in America?"

"Los Angeles."

"Of course. I hear the beaches there are nice."

"Quite. I hear it will get quite hot so pack appropriately. And bring hats, we'll want some sort of privacy, won't we?"

"Yes, we will."

"That's sorted then."

"How long will we be gone?"

"I don't know yet."

"I'll pack for two weeks then." Megyn chuckled as I make my way to the door.

"Might be the better option."

I leave and head to my own quarters. Moving a lot more calmly than just a few moments ago.

Once I'm in my own space with a closed door, I relax. Kicking off my shoes, I not-so elegantly flop onto my bed. I pull out my phone which still has the picture of my interest on.

"I hope you like me too, you're just too perfect." I say to the picture.


On the plane, with Megyn next to me, I cannot help but fidget. I may or may not have stalked Hayley to find out where about in Los Angeles she lived and may or may not have booked a very nice hotel in that area. I eventually told Megyn my plan and she told me that I was basically trying to kidnap Hayley, which I denied, of course.

About thirty seconds from landing, I see all the cars and people with cameras from way up here.

I just can't escape them.

The plane lands and myself and Megyn hurrily got off the plane so we can hide in our car.

This is going to be a long holiday.

Hayley of WalesWhere stories live. Discover now