Looking around Los Angeles has been tiring. I went to at least three different shopping centres and quite a few beaches. I have been stalking Hayley online and trying to see where she goes, to no prevail.

She posts a lot from her home somewhere in this big city, I just need her to go out for shopping or something like that.

My phone pings and I have never moved so fast to pick it up and turn it on. Yes! She posted!

It was a picture of her at the shopping center, tagged location and all. That's where I need to go.

I put my shoes on and call my driver to give him the address while picking up my bag and racing out of the door. Megyn went down to the pool so I'll text her in a minute to say where I disappeared to.

I rush into the car, adjusting my hat and we take off to the shopping centre.

I'm so excited and nervous at the same time. I could very much be meeting my future spouse.

I check her profile constantly and I am able to see what shops she goes into because she posts videos on her story.

In no time, we arrive at the centre. I rush in, hat low, sunglasses on and bag on shoulder.

Immediately, I head straight into the building because I know there will be air conditioning as it is absolutely boiling outside.

I navigate my way around the place and find the shop I think she went in. I scan the shop and she's not in there. I check her story and see there's nothing new. So I go to Starbucks for a coffee. I sit on a bench with is and watch as people walk past with their shopping and families. It's quite cute, for some reason. It's not everyday I get to see this.

I decide to walk around some more. Taking in the sights and sounds. Which means I wasn't looking where I was going.

I walked into a tall figure and realised that I just caused their drink to spill all over them.

"Oh my gosh! I am so sorry. I wasn't looking where I was going." I look up to see the face I have been searching for this whole time.

"It's okay. I'll just get some new clothes." she makes eye contact with me and hers widen.

"I am so sorry, Princess." she curtsies quickly.

"No, it's fine, there's no need for the formalities. It was totally my fault. Can I at least buy you new clothes, Hayley?"

"You know who I am?"

"Yes. I came here to see you, actually."

"Oh, how come?"

I take a deep breath before saying, "I really like you. I want to get to know you and if all goes well, maybe even have you as my own?" Way to go Melissa. You sound like a nutter

"Did you just ask me out, Princess?"


"Would you like to hang out with me when I don't have coffee down my front?"

"I'd love to. Give me your phone." I hold out my hand for her to place her phone in it and she does. I call myself and save my contact in her phone. Then I take out my own phone and save Hayley's.

"Now, which shop do you want to go to?"

"It's fine, I'll get my own clothes."

"Wrong answer. Which shop?"

She sighs and leads me to a shop of her choice to get her a new outfit. I pay for her after some argument and she goes to the restroom to change while I wait outside.

Hayley comes back out in her new clothes and she looks even more attractive to me.

"You look great." I tell her.

"Thank you."

"How are your sisters? You have quite a few, don't you?"

"Yeah, I do. They're all okay, my older sister, Jordyn moved out a few months back and I'm still not used to it. I miss her so much."

I sense that if this relationship works, Hayley's love for her sisters might not help my case, because if all of this goes well, I would very much like to marry Hayley. But she won't want to move away from her sisters and I am next in line for the crown, I'll need someone by my side and I refuse anyone else but Hayley. I know it is slightly far fetched but I'm a Princess, I am stubborn.

"When would you like to meet?" Hayley asks.

"Tomorrow. Choose somewhere here for food. Meet me outside by the front doors, wear nice clothing." I demand. I reach up on my tippy toes to kiss her cheek lightly and smile at her, "Can't wait."

And with that I leave her there with a red face and mouth agape. She looks adorable.

I get in my car and head back to the hotel.

Not long after I get in, my phone buzzes in my hand while I sit on my bed.

Any specific time?

I'd like to spend most of the day with you.

Ten o'clock?

Sounds great. Can't wait. That rhymes.

Me neither. Your rhyming skills are awesome.

Thank you.

"What are you smiling at?" I hear Megyn asks as she sits down next to me.

"Guess who I found?"


"Yes." I grin.

"You found her? How?"

"I walked into her and spilled coffee all down her."


"Whatever. We are meeting up tomorrow."

"Yeah? Don't get too carried away."

"For a fifteen year old, you are quite stupid."


"But you're my sister, so it's fine" I shrug.

"Suppose. What're you two going to do tomorrow?"

"We're going to meet up for food and just 'hang out' the rest of the day. Whatever 'hanging out' means for her."

"She wants a snog. Obviously."

"What? No!"

I pause, thinking about what Megyn just said.

"You really think she wants a snog?"

Megyn laughs and shakes her head. "You're hilarious. I was joking, Melissa. Of course she doesn't want to snog... Yet."


"Put it this way. You're a beautiful young woman, she's a beautiful young woman, at some point, you're going to find each other very desirable."

"You speak like you've had experience."

"I watch a lot of American Romantic-Comedies."

"And you say I'm unoriginal?"

"Be quiet. They're actually quite good." Megyn defends.

"Get out. You have your own room, don't you?"

"Fine. But don't start kissing pictures of your girlfriend, now." Megyn warns while heading towards the door.

"She's not my girlfriend!"

"Yet!" she teases as she shuts the door behind her.

I sigh and lay back on my bed. My phone buzzes again but I see it's from Hayley's social media page.

It was a picture of her in the mirror in her new outfit with the caption:

Had to buy a new outfit because SOMEBODY spilt coffee all over me. But I'm not complaining (;

Wow. I might just have to text her and complain.

I can't believe I found her. I actually found her. Tomorrow will be great, I just know it.

Hayley of WalesWhere stories live. Discover now