"I am pushing!" I scream at the doctor. Not very Princess-like, but he's not being helpful. My wife, however, I could not ask for anyone better. I'm so glad I was determined to marry her and only her four years ago.

"You doing so great, darling. You've already pushed Violet out. Just Lila to go."

Lila is just as painful as Violet was, yet somehow more. I've had an epidural as well. Pushing these children out will be worth it, I'm sure.

"She's crowning!"


Soon, the sound of my second daughter cries, making my heart melt as she is given to me to hold. I look to Hayley who seems just as in awe and over the moon as I feel.

The babies are taken away to be checked and cleaned as I push out the placenta as well. In total, this whole process takes about an hour and a half, too long.

After that time, the babies were handed to me.

Violet Elizabeth and Lila Kathryn, named after Hayley's grandmother's. I smile at my new borns, their cute little faces getting softly caressed by their Mama's hand. Their little heads being kissed by their Mummy's lips. I am so in love with them.

Hayley and I plan to vow to them to not leave them, ever. They will come with us on travels, public meetings, between Palaces and on holidays, if deemed safe to do so.

"Are you ready?" I look up to my wife.

"Yes, which one would you like me to take?"

"Whichever. I do not mind, we will have to swap eventually anyway."

Hayley nods as she takes Lila from my arms, leaving me with Violet to say the vows I have written for them.

"I, Princess Melissa, Princess of Wales, promise to have you, Princess Violet Elizabeth of Wales, come with me wherever I go abroad or away from home. Whether it be to a different Palace, City, Country or Continent. You will be included and I promise not to leave you with anyone who is not directly related to you. I will love you always, support you always and keep you safe always. For better or for worse. I wish you the best in life, my little Violet."

I say the same to Lila as Hayley repeats her vows to Violet. I notice that they both got a bit agitated all of a sudden, then two loud cries rang through the room. Lila, who was still in my arms, was biting down on my silk gown. I look to Hayley for guidance.

"Oh, they're hungry." she realises. That makes sense now.

Hayley had the pleasure of undoing my gown for me and I was able to feed our daughters with ease. Meanwhile, my wife went out to greet the rest of my family. My Father wants to meet them first, as they are second and third in line for the Throne. Mummy is eager to see them, as I am sure Megyn and Penelope will be as well.

"Wow, you two are very hungry." I say quietly while they feed. Not long after, Hayley comes back and checks on us.

"How are we all?" she grins. She found it hard to sleep due to pure excitement for the children's arrivals.

"Feeding. They're quite hungry. Can you help me redress and burp them once they have finished, please?"

"Of course, my darling."

"Thank you, sweetheart."


"Oh! They are so precious!" Christina gasps as she holds Lila and Kathryn holds Violet. The look of pure admiration matches Hayley's when they were first born. It truly is a sight to see Hayley and her family with children, nothing short of magical.

"They are. Violet here has a very strong grip, just like her Mama!" Kathryn beams as the little girl, who has her tiny fingers clenched around her grandmother's.

"Mum, let's not share my baby stories. It's not my moment, it's theirs." Hayley reminds her parent. She is always so thoughtful.

"Of course, but I will be telling them about all of the mischief you and Apollo got up to when you were younger." Kathryn teases.

"Thank you for flying us out here. This is so incredible." Christina smiles.

"They're your grandchildren as much as they are mine." My Mother speaks up. She has a very good relationship with Hayley's parents and I'm happy she does.

"Tina, look at her eyes, who do they remind you of?" Kathryn tells Christina as she walks over and studies my daughter. Christina's eyes widen in the most adorable way as she recognises the baby's eyes, but I am still clueless.

"Who does she remind you of?" I ask.

Christina looks up to me and then Hayley, then back down to little Violet, "Apollo." she says softly.

"Apollo?" Hayley questions.

"Yeah, she's gonna be a handsome young woman when she grows up."

"Am I not handsome, Mama?"

"Of course you are." I reassure my wife. She nods and hugs into my side.

"You two are too cute." Kathryn grins.

Hayley of WalesWhere stories live. Discover now