Landing in California, I can't help but feel the butterflies in my stomach. The tarmac racing past me as we slow to a stop. I can already see the press and it makes me carry out the most unladylike action of rolling my eyes. I can't seem to catch a break from them.

All will be okay when I see my love, however.

"The chauffeur is ready for you, Ma'am." one of the servants tell me.

"Thank you."

I delicately carry myself down the jet stairs and immediately the flashes commence, attempting to get even a good glimpse of me, but before they knew it, I was in the car and driving away.

The plan is to get settled into my hotel and and going to see Hayley further into the school day. It is currently eighy in the morning so she would've just started classes. I am so excited. The last time I would've seen her was November, shortly after her birthday. I wonder of she's changed at all.

Relax, Melissa. It's only been a few months.

A few months can change a person though. I'm sure that if Hayley has changed, it would be a good change. She's a good woman and an even better fiancé. I wouldn't trade her for the world.

The car finally arrives at the hotel and I notice that it's the same one I stayed in the first time I visited Los Angeles. It only brings back good memories and just seeing the front doors make me smile.

I am led up to my room, which also happens to be the same one, so I am already well acquainted with it, to put my belongings in and change to see my darling, Hayley.

I decide to go with my favourite colour, green, in a buttoned dress and back heels to match. My hair is left down and I have my favourite green purse with me, completing the look and hopefully appealing to my handsome fiancé.

I leave at around half past nine to go to her school. I'm hoping that they'll tell me what class she's in. I know that my personal gaurd wants to make a big fuss over it, asking those who are able to stand for me and announcing my arrival before I enter the room.

A notification pops up on my phone and I see that it is Hayley's social media page. She's wearing a dark green polo shirt with black jeans and converse, captioned with:

Feeling green, Missing green.

That was my codename. Whenever she posts about me she always refers to me as "Green", which I think is quite adorable. If only she knew that she was about to see me.

We pull into the school car park and I, with my royal guard, step out and make our way into the school reception.

"Good morning, I was hoping to find out what class Hayley Rogerstone-Montgumery is in, at the moment?" I tell the receptionist.

"Sure, what's your name, sweetie?"

"That's Ma'am, to you." My gaurd corrects.

"I'm sorry?" she smiles.

"Forgive the gaurd, he's very tight on formalities. My name is Princess Melissa."

"Oh my goodness! I'm so sorry, your Majesty." she quickly stood up and curtsied, making me chuckle a little bit.

"I can take you to her class if you'd like. She's in English with Ms Jeffreys."

"That would me much appreciated, thank you."

The next part is slightly weird because she'll have to lead with me in front of her. She could be beside me and slightly behind but that's the most that can happen. Otherwise the gaurd will throw a fit.

As I walk through the corridor, I take in the beige hallway and the occasional red fire doors. Red lockers line the walls and there are classroom doors every ten metres or so.

Finally, we reach Hayley's class and my stomach is churning, my heart hammering against my ribcage. I'm very excited to see my love.

My gaurd goes in, opening the door and asking everyone to rise if they are able, for me.

I walk in, my smile the biggest it's been in months as my eyes find my love, in her polo shirt and her blues warning my chest.

"Hi, darling." I say to her.

She steps around her sister and stops right in front of me, kissing my cheek and curtsying herself. I take her hand in mine and kiss it.

"I missed you." I whisper to her.

"I missed you, too."

I take in her appearance for the first time in months. Not much has changed really, but what I can see is that her arms have gotten bigger and her jawline is stronger, which tells me she's been going to the gym. Hayley was practically a twig when I saw her last.

"You've got some muscle." I grin.

"Yeah, Apollo was always raving about the gym so I decided to give it a try. It's pretty good."

"Can I take you back to my hotel?"

Hayley's eyes light up but she looks to her teacher, Ms Jeffreys for permission to leave.

"Go!" she ushers with an excited smile  and motions her hands towards the door to power her point. Hayley grabbed her bag and took my hand once more, leading me out of the room.


Back in my hotel room, I push my fiancé onto the bed and crawl on top of her. She takes my hips in her hands as mine find her shoulders. I slowly lean down to capture her lips with mine.

"Five more months." I groan into her mouth. She hums in agreement. She rubs my lower back as I kiss her lips more, relishing the feeling of her just being there. Lord knows I've missed my Hayley.

"I missed you." Hayley tells me.

"I missed you, too, darling. I never want to let you go again."

"Please don't. I don't want you to go." I can hear the genuine longing in her voice and it pulls at my heart. I knew I had missed Hayley but I hadn't realised that she'd miss me thrice as much.

"I'm sorry, darling, but I'll have to at some point."

"I know. I just miss you too much."

"I know, darling. I know. Let's just make the most of the time we do have together."


Hayley of WalesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora