Three years later.

The last three years have been alright. We got Hayley settled into the Royal life and she's thriving. Megyn got married to her girlfriend recently, the day after she turned eighteen, actually. She's happy and that's all that matters.

Hayley has made regular visits to her family home, taking me with her. Public events have been much more enjoyable with Hayley around.

But at the moment, I am not having a good time. My period is late. Very late. I estimate about eight weeks. That's a long time, I know. But I am so busy that I didn't even notice.

What I have noticed is that it correlates to the last time Hayley and I had... Relations. Only because Hayley went away to Wales on a trip with my Mother. I wasn't really up for it and Mum was quite understanding. So she went in my place.

Hayley came back last week and I'm trying to muster up the courage to talk to her about the absence of my period.

"Hey, darling. Are you alright? I've just been speaking to Megyn and Penelope. They keep going on about having nieces and nephews. It's actually starting to get on my nerves a little bit."

Now is a good time, I suppose.


"Sorry? I was just in my own world."

I feel her sit next to me on the bed and I don't meet her eyes.

"What's the matter? You've seemed a bit off since I came back." she takes my hands from my lap and holds them in hers.

I let out a nervous breath before looking at her, "My period is eight weeks late."

"Eight weeks?" I can see the cogs turning in her head. "That was the last time we... Had fun, wasn't it?"

"Yes, it is. But I haven't been with anyone since you've been gone nor have I been taken against my will. I am completely loyal to you and you only."

"Darling, what I am about to confess is going to make me sound like a nutter."

"Sound like a nutter? You already are one!"

"Thank you for that." she chuckles. "But there's this gift that runs in some of the women in my family which is that when we have an orgasm, we produce sperm. Some of my sisters can do it and it comes from my Mama. There's a very good chance that I have this gift too."

"So you think, that if there is a possibility of me being pregnant, that the baby is yours?"

"There's a good chance. I don't doubt your loyalty for a second. I really hope you haven't been taken while you didn't know. It'd break me."

"We should tell Mummy and get a test done."

"If that's what you want."


"Hayley's baby? But she's a woman! That can't be possible." Mummy scoffs as she marks her place in her book.

"Well, I want to see if I truly am pregnant first. And if I am, it has to be Hayley's."

"I'll take you down to the hospital later. When was your last period?"

"My last period was twelve weeks ago."

"Oh dear."

"Oh dear, indeed."


"The results are in, Your Majesty. Your daughter is pregnant, with twins it seems." I hear the doctor say to my Mother outside the room. Hayley doesn't know we're at the hospital because if I am truly pregnant, which I know now, I wanted to surprise her. Even if she does know of the possibility, she doesn't know for sure.

My Mum comes back in with a smile on her face and relays what I've already heard. I'm still happy to hear it though.

With twins, too. I'll have to eat for three.

Hayley will be so happy. I'm so happy. I already love the two cherubs in me, so much.

They were an accident, but a happy accident nonetheless.


"I am pregnant. With twins." I tell my wife.

"Twins?" Hayley gasps.

"Yes, darling. And they did the necessary tests to determine that they are your babies." I grin.

"I am the Mama? I am the Mama!"

Hayley hugs me close and strokes my back. She kisses my head repeatedly as she tells me how happy she is.

"Wow. My babies are in there." she says.

"They are. We're going to have to make an announcement."

"Let me call my parents. They'd love to hear it from me."

"Do you remember when we first met Kathryn, she said that she wanted more grand babies from us?" I reminisce.

"Now she gets exactly that. I can't wait to know the genders, so we can name them. That should be fun."

"If one of them is a girl, I'd like to call her Lila."

"Lila? That's beautiful. If we have two girls, we could call them Lila and Violet, or which ever order. And if we have two boys, we could call them Osian and Owain. And then we could pick and chose if its a girl and a boy." Hayley suggests.

"They're very Welsh names."

"We are the Princesses of Wales, are we not?" Hayley muses.

"I suppose." I give a sly smile. "I really want you right now."

"You may have me." she smiles back.

I waste no time I kissing her and throwing her back in the bed.


"That was good." Hayley pants as she falls beside me.

"It was weird having control like that."

"I thought it was a nice change in pace."

"You enjoyed it?" I muse.

"Yes. Being pleasured by my Princess was very enjoyable." she says seriously. But I find it quite funny, so I laugh. "What's so funny?"

"You're my little submissive subject!" I laugh.

"Be quiet. I'll sleep in one of the guest rooms tonight." she concludes as she gets dressed.

"No, wait!" I say as I laugh still.

"No, you're acting childish." she scolds as she does her shirt up. "Goodnight, Melissa."

She leaves the room and I am left sitting all alone on the bed, still naked. What do I do now? I thought it was just a joke.

I hope I haven't really upset Hayley now. It would make incredibly sad.

The door opens and Hayley's amused voice fills the room, "I thought you were going to follow me and then I could reveal that I was joking. But you didn't." she confesses as she walks back in the room and strips off again. We normally sleep naked together after sex.

"You were joking? I thought you were upset with me." I pout as she approached me, in her birthday suit.

"Yes. I'm sorry, darling. What can I do to make it up to you?"


I pull her on top of me and we do it all over again.

I'm so glad she's my wife, and I'm even more glad that I am carrying her babies.

Hayley of WalesWhere stories live. Discover now