"Melissa, you need to start working on brining that girl over here. I would very much like to meet her and it's been two months!" my Father complains.

"Well, Father. Its not that easy. Her parents don't know and she has an education to finish! Believe me, she'd hop on the next plane to London if she could, but she can't. Her parents are loving and protecting people, we don't know how they're going to feel about it." I argue.

"Well, she can bring her parents along, too. She could bring her whole entire family, for goodness sake. As long as I meet the girl."

"Alright, I'll talk to her."

"Thank you. You are dismissed."

There he is. The King and not my Father. Telling me that I am dismissed.

I storm out of the room, which was very unlady-like, but I am so frustrated with Father's impatience.

My heels practically digging into the carpet as I strut down the corridors and to my room, where I can let out my frustration of having a confused Father.

To some degree, I can understand. It's almost the end of October and we met in August. But on the other hand, I don't, because Hayley's parents are protective over her and all.

I hope Hayley's awake. I'd really like to talk to her.

I dial her number and ring it placing it to my ear as I flop down onto my bed. She picks up on the first ring.

"I'd be lying if I said I wasn't waiting for your call. Hello, how are you?"

"I'm okay, a little stressed but I'm okay. How about yourself?"

"I'm good. It's my birthday today, so that's fun."

"Happy birthday, darling. How are you celebrating? I'm assuming something with Raphie and Apollo."

"No, just Raphie. Apollo was born on the thirty-first. We're gonna go watch a movie and stuff. Apollo might spend tomorrow with her girlfriend. Then we have our hide and seek game I told you about last week."

"That should be fun, then. I was calling to see when you'd be able to come over. My Father is getting impatient."

"I don't know. I still have to talk to my parents about it. I've told some of my sisters and they're supportive."

"That's alright. Just let me know when you do get around to it. Okay?"

"Of course, Princess."

We spend the next hour or so talking and catching up with each other until I have to go. Princess duties, you know?

I hang up and let out a frustrated sigh. Long distance is hard.


The first week into November and it is getting chilly here. I have to wear my big coats now and those horrible leather gloves.

Luckily, not much is planned for November, so I won't have to wear them too often.

We sit in the sort of family room we have here in the Palace. We're all ironically drinking tea and talking about your average Royal Family talk.

My phone starts to ring and I see its Hayley. She doesn't normally call during this hour so I pick it up, and bring it to my ear.

"Hello, you don't normally call at this hour. How are you?"

"Hi, I know. Its two AM right now but I wanted to make sure that you were awake. I told my parents."

"Oh. That's good news. What did they say?"

"They were a bit unsure at first but then I told them about how much I liked you and all that jazz, they were very accepting."

"Fabulous. Did you ask if you could fly over?"

"Yes, but one of them has to come with me. So I chose my Mom."

"Fair enough."

"What we don't know is, when? When are we supposed to be coming over?"

"Hold on, my Father's in the room, I can ask him."

I move the phone away from my ear to talk to my own Father.

"Father, Hayley has said that she can come over, she just doesn't know when. Any specific time?"

"How's next week?"

I put the phone back to my ear and repeat the question to Hayley.

"That's great fine. I'll let my Mom know."

"Okay, darling. Get to sleep, it's late. Goodnight."


She hung up the phone and I feel all giddy now. My Mother and sister watch me with knowing smiles but my Father watches with expectant eyes.

"She can come next week." I smile.

"Well that's jolly news. Will she need a room?" my Father asked.

"She wont, but her Mother will."

"I'll be sure to get that sorted then."

The rest of tea was rather boring in comparison to hearing that I will be seeing Hayley, my long distance girlfriend, next week.

I would like to meet them in LA at the airport because I want to see my Hayley as soon as possible. I voiced this much to my Father and he agreed.

I seriously can't believe it.


You sure do notice time creep by painfully slow when you're waiting for something. While I wait here in my little plane, waiting for Hayley, I can't help the butterflies fluttering in my stomach. I am actually going to her again today. My long distance girlfriend is coming over to meet my parents, the King and Queen Consort, and I am going to meet one of her parents.

"Your Majesty, may I present Kathryn and Hayley Rogerstone-Montgumery to you?" said my gaurd, who bowed as he stood next to my seat.

I stood up and nodded. He exits the plane as I stand in the aisle, waiting for the two women.

"Princess Melissa of Wales." I hear the guards voice say before he appears at the door again. This time with Hayley and her mother, who is a stunning lady but not as stunning as Hayley.

Hayley approaches and stops right in front of me. I give her a cheesy smile as she kisses both of my cheeks and curtsies. She steps back and her Mother only curtsies.

"It's very nice to meet you Mrs Rogerstone-Montgumery." I tell her.

"Likewise, Princess." her smile is friendly.

"Take a seat," I gesture to the two seats that face my own, "We should get going."

I sit down first and then the mother and daughter follow. Hayley is directly in front of me and her Mother is on her right. I rest my hands in the table and Hayley takes one of them. I hold her hand over the table and she smiles as she kisses my knuckles.

"I missed you." she says softly.

"I missed you, too."

"I'm nervous. I'm going to meet the King and your family. I hope they like me." Hayley confesses.

"I know, I'm nervous too." I try to comfort her. She nods but continues to hold my hand.

The rest of the flight home was full of Hayley and Kathryn telling me about America and their family, as I love to hear about their life. I'd really like to meet Christina, she sounds like a very lovely woman.

I can't wait for Hayley to meet my Mother and Sister. But my Father is out of the question because I am stupidly nervous since I don't know whether Hayley will meet my Father or the King.

We can only know when we get back to London. And the anticipation is killing me.

Hayley of WalesWhere stories live. Discover now