"Good morning, Princess." the servant says as she opens my blinds.

"Good morning. What's on the agenda today?" I ask as I sit up in my bed.

She paused and looked at me in disbelief.

"Was it something I said?"

"You're getting married today, ma'am." she grins.

That's right! I am getting married.

I clasp my hands together and grin like a child at the thought of marrying Hayley. We had announced her identity back in February when I had visited. But as always, I had to leave Hayley again until her graduation, where she had moved to London with me. I was there for her graduation and I was so proud as she was handed her diploma. Her graduation party was very fun, busy, but fun nonetheless.

"I'm so excited." I smile.

"Of course, Ma'am. We must get you ready."

"Let's do that right away, then."

We make a start on getting myself ready for my wedding today. Breakfast and normal hygiene routines, makeup and hair and finally, the beautiful white dress I shall wear.

My Father ushers me into the carriage while telling me how beautiful I look. I can't wait to see my Hayley.

I don't really know what she'll be wearing, only that she will look handsome regardless. My dress looks like an all white version of Aurora's but much, much, much longer at the back. So long that it will have to be carried as I walk.

People line the streets as my carriage rides past, clapping and cheering while waving signs with lovely comments on. It makes me happy that they are so supportive of my soon to be marriage. It just shows how society is changing.

At the speed were travelling, the journey from Buckingham Palace to Westminster Abbey was about fifteen minutes, just to give me time to wave and greet my people. But when we do eventually arrive at St George's Cathedral, the excitement turns into butterflies in my stomach.

My Father helps me out of the carriage and the girls who are carrying the train of my dress follow quickly behind me to pick it up. I run my fingers along my tiara and smile to myself as Father takes my arm leading me into the Cathedral. The music starts and I hear everyone stand up, ready to watch me walk down the aisle and meet my fiancé at the alter.

The thirty second walk along the carpeted floor was painful, I just couldn't get to my gorgeous fiancé in time. I wanted to kiss her, feel her and marry her as soon as possible.

She was wearing a dark blue suit with gold lining along the cuffs and the collar of the blazer. She wore a black shirt and dark blue tie to match, golden ice-patterned swirls branch from the knot of the tie and spread outwards. She had a dark blue waist-coat, trousers and nice polished shoes. Her hair is in a crown braide, which makes her look very sophisticated. She looks so handsome.

Her triplets, Raphael and Apollo wore plain dark blue suits, making Hayley stand out more.

"Wow." Hayley whispered.

"You look so handsome, darling." I say to her, taking her hand as she continues to look me up and down.

I won't bore you with all of the official events of the Royal Wedding, it's really not all that. But what I will tell you is that when Hayley slipped the ring into my finger, I did the most unprofessional action, and sobbed into Hayley's shoulder out of happiness. She comforted me for the rest of the ceremony and soon enough, we were married.

Hayley also became Princess of Wales the second she married me, which I'm sure herself and her Mama are very happy about.

We make our way back down the aisle and into a different carriage, one with no roof so we can wave as we pass by people on the sides of the roads as we head back to the Palace.

"I am so happy we are finally married." Hayley grins as she waves at the cheering people.

"I am too, darling. You're a Princess now, too."

"I'm still trying to get over that. We need to go and visit Apollo later. I caught wind that she's not happy about not getting to see us after the wedding."

"Of course." I nod.

Her smile widened and we go back to waving at the happy crowd. They holler and whistle as we ride by. Welsh flags with our names on are waved high in the air.

"They're very excited about this, aren't they?" Hayley muses.

"Wait until we wave from the balcony." I tell her.

I hold her hand as we go past the crowds and through the gates of Buckingham Palace.

We are given time to ourselves, just the two of us as everyone makes their way down the Mall, once we receive word that they have, we'll go up on the balcony.

Hayley and I were given a little room to ourselves, where I'll change into a much more move able dress that doesn't have to be carried by eight girls. It'll be the same colour and design, just the back will be a lot shorter. Meaning that no one will have to carry it behind me as I walk.

Hayley helps me change and makes sure to audibly admire my body as she does so, making me blush.

"You are just so gorgeous." I hear her say as she zips my dress up.

"Aren't you a charmer?" I chuckle as my blush burns hotter.

"Only for you, my darling."

I feel her arms wrap around my waist and her chin rest on my shoulder. I lean back into her and enjoy her just being there. Her smell, the touch of her hands on my waist, the sound of her breathing by my ear, everything. I love her as a whole.

"It is time to go up on the balcony, ma'am." I hear a servant say.

"Yes, we will there immediately." I reply. Once I hear the door close, I turn around in Hayley's arms. "Shall we, my love?"

"We shall."

I take her arm in mine as we walk up the stairs and through the room that leads to the balcony.

"Ready?" I smile at my wife.

"Ready." she smiles back.

The doors are opened for us and we step out and onto the balcony. The cheering got infinitely louder and claps erupt from the people who absolutey cover the Mall. I smile and wave to all of them and they wave back, cheering and whooping as they do.

"All those people here just because we put rings on each others fingers." Hayley sighs as she waves.

"These are our people. And we're theirs."

Our names are chanted by all of the people in front of the Palace and on the Mall.

"Shall we give them a show?" I smirk at Hayley.


Hayley takes me by the waist and smashes her lips onto mine, making the crowd go wild as I wrap my arms around her shoulders.

I pull away when I think that the limit of PDA my Father has set has been surpassed, but I still keep myself in my wife's arms.

Married at eighteen. Can you believe it? To the woman I met almost a year ago. She's now my wife, my Princess. I've grown to love her so quickly because she is simply perfection.

"I think they like us." Hayley chuckles.

"Perhaps they do."

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