Who knew a week would pass by so fast?

It's already time for us to go back to London and I have to say goodbye to Hayley, which I don't want to do.

"It'll be okay. We can still talk." Hayley tried to reassure me as we stand outside the hotel by the car that will take us to the airport.

"I know, but I'll still miss you. I'll visit again soon. I promise. I just need sort some stuff out at home and I'll come back."

"You're so sweet. Can I ask you something?"


"I know I've had all week to ask you this, but will you be my girlfriend?"

"Of course. If you had asked me sooner, I would've just moved to Los Angeles, so now is probably the most perfect time." I tell her.

"Well, I'll see you when you come back for me. I'll miss you."

"I'll miss you, too."

I give her a goodbye kiss and hug before climbing into the car and watch her dissappear from view. A few tears slip from my eyes and Megyn's hand finds my shoulder.

"That's some connection you made in a week." she says.

"I know. I don't want to leave."

"Put it this way. If you leave, then you could go back home, tell Mummy and Daddy, come here again and marry her."

"It's not as simple as that. I can't just marry her. It'll have to be a Royal Wedding and she'll have to come live in London."

"There is that. I'm sure by then, she'll love you more than enough to do that."


I compose myself and straighten up. The next forty-eight hours or so will be crucial in Hayley and I's relationship. I have to get it passed Father, then survive long distance, marry her, hopefully, and bring her back to London. But these two days will be used to persuade my Father to let this relationship to continue. If after two days it doesn't work, I might just step down from my duties as Princess of Wales.


We land back in London after a ridiculously long flight and are driven to the Palace. I'm going to tell my Father about my girlfriend. As my bags are taken from the car, I quickly head inside.

Immediately make my way to my Father's office and knock on the door.

"Come in."

I walk cautiously through the door.

"Melissa, dearest! You're back. How was Los Angeles? Your Mother showed me the photo of your blue tongue. Rather comical."

"It was very good. I really enjoyed it. Father, I have something to ask you."

"If it's another holiday then no, you've already been away for two weeks."

"No, it's not that. I have someone I want to marry."

"Is that so? Did you meet him in Los Angeles?"

"Father. He is a she."

"Oh, right."

"And I did meet her in Los Angeles. We are officially girlfriends."

"What's her name?"

"Hayley Rogerstone-Montgumery."

"That's a posh name."

"Yes, it is." I smile.

"How old is she?"

Hayley of WalesWhere stories live. Discover now