Chapter 65: The Mansion in Spykor Sanctuary

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Jay: "Are we there yet...?"

Cole: "Since the only Daggers I see are the one's in (Y/N)'s hands, no"

Jay: "Well, all we have seen are cave walls and an unreasonable amount of cobwebs"

Nya: (Through coms) "Guys, I-" (Static) "Can you hea-"

Kai: "Barely"

Nya: "Be Car-" (Static) "Dang-" (More static) "-in mines" (Static)

*Back on the Bounty*

Nya: "The mines are not safe, can you read me!?"

Zane: "N-" (Static) "-t all"

(Y/N): "I-" (Static) "-st to say-" (Static) "-ove you two!"

Nya: "What? No!"

*Back in the mines*

Nya: "-ust trying-" (Static) "-s need-" (Static) "-not-" (Static) "-ime apart-" (The connection dies)

Cole: "Did anyone get any of that last bit?"

Jay: "I... I think Nya just broke up with (Y/N)"

Cole: "In the middle of a mission!?"

(Y/N): "...and over comms to... that's just as bad as over text"

Jay: "It's alright, there's plenty of fish in the sea"

Kai: "And I can be your wingman!"

(Y/N): "...Let's just focus on the memories thing"

Kai: "Fair enough, which way now?"

Zane: "P.I.X.A.L. says that there seems to be a hollowed out portion of the caves"

Cole: "Do you know which way?"

Zane: "I have a map of part of the cavern in the bottom left of my vision"

Jay: "Just like a video game! Cool!"

Cole: "Well, lead the way"

The ninja walk down a shaft, when (Y/N) slows down.

(Y/N): "Hey, does anyone ever randomly get the feeling that they're being watched?"

Kai: "That's just the heartbreak talking" (He starts pushing him) "You'll forget all about it when you get your memories back"

With that, the ninja trudge on, unaware of something stalking right behind them, following whilst on the ceiling.

*Back at the bounty*

Nya: "Hello? Can you hear me, Don't split up!"

Wu: "It seems we have lost connection, they must have went into a deeper portion of the mines"

Eric: "We gotta go in after them!"

All of a sudden, they hear an engine sound, followed by an alarm blaring through the bounty.

Nya: "We've got company!"

Spyke hops back onto Electric Eric's shoulder as the three of the run to the upper deck. The quickly make it to the top deck and look overboard.

Nya: "Serpentine, and a lots of them"

Wu: "If they reach the mines, the ninja may never escape"

Eric: "We can't let that happen!"

Nya: "Agreed, which is why I called the cavalry"

All of a sudden, the Samurai X suit landed behind them and Nya hopped into it.

Nya, in her mech, and Wu quickly confronted the serpentine, as Eric looked on.

Eric: "I'm not really a fighter, but anything for my son. Now, Spyke, lets- Spyke? Hey, where'd you?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2023 ⏰

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