Chapter 49.5: Who's the Love Interest?

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The lights turn on and a stage is revealed, cheering can be heard from an invisible crowd. From behind the curtain, a figure came running out, getting minimal applause.

 From behind the curtain, a figure came running out, getting minimal applause

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

He asks them to lower there voices a tad bit and they do.

14Ball: "Hello all, and welcome to a new episode, (and probably only episode), of your new favorite game show-"

14Ball and Audience: "Who's That Love Interest?!"

14Ball: "I'm your host, TheLone14Ball, now, let's introduce the contestant. He is currently a member of Ninjago's Wu Crew, and is the current master of imagination. Please give a warm welcome to... (Y/N) (L/N)!"

The crowd roars loudly as the grey ninja walks into the stage, with a confused look on his face.

(Y/N): "Where am I? Is this Lord Vortech's doing!?"

14Ball: "If he seems a little confused, it's because I've temporarily borrowed him from his timeline"

(Y/N): "That's sounds illegal"

14Ball: "Extremely, but do you care?"

(Y/N): "As long as I beat my father, no"

14Ball: "Exactly! Now, do you have any idea as to what's going on?"

(Y/N): "Not a clue"

14Ball: "Alright, here's a little rundown. Over the last month or so, I've asked the viewers of this story to vote on a select set of individuals to be your love interest!"

(Y/N): "What is love?"

14Ball: "You'll find out soon enough, now. I've spent the last little bit counting the votes, and I have finished just that!"

(Y/N): "Cool!"

14Ball: "I know! Now, shall we get on with revealing the votes?"

(Y/N): "How are we going to do that?"

14Ball: "I'm going to reveal the exact number of votes, which I got from the voting pages and my DM's to-"

(Y/N): "Wait... why your DM's?"

14Ball: "Because some people decided to DM their votes to me, which, since I didn't specify couldn't be done, I have to accept"

(Y/N): "That sounds shady as hell, how do we know the votes aren't rigged?"

14Ball: "No clue, but I will say that I made plausible storylines for most of the people, (just in case they won), and my favorite storyline I created was for the individual who got fifth place"

(Y/N): "In other words, you were kinda biased?"

14Ball: "Sorta, but I think I can make a good storyline with who won"

(Y/N): "Who won what?"

14Ball: "Are you messing with me?"

(Y/N): "Yeah"

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