Chapter 42: Once Upon A Time Machine in the West

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The heroes exit the portal in what appears to be an old western town.

Gandalf: "Hmm..." (A chicken pops out from under his hat) "oh"

He takes off his hat and the chicken shoots an egg at him, and then hops out of the hat. He then puts it back on.

Batman: "Any luck finding the power signature?"

Wyldstyle: "It doesn't even look like they've got *electrical* power"

Mayor Hubert: "Well now, ma'am... I assure you we most certainly do have power of the electrical persuasion!"

 I assure you we most certainly do have power of the electrical persuasion!"

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Mayor Hubert: "Behold- the town light-bulb!"

They look over at a lone street light just as it goes out.

(Y/N): "Well, that's... something"

Mayor Hubert: (Throwing his hat on the ground) "Dagnabbit!"

Batman: "Are you in charge here?"

Mayor Hubert: (He picks up his hat, dusts it off, and puts it back on) "Indeed. Mayor Hubert at your service"

Batman: "Have you seen anything... 'Weird'... Around here?"

Mayor Hubert: "Well..." (He looks at Wyldstyle) "...I do see a lady dressed in britches"

Wyldstyle: (In Shock) "Ah! Pfft! Pffft!"

The relic scanner beeps. Wyldstyle checks on it and motions at Batman, to which he winks at.

Batman: "We'll just take a look around. Thanks"

Mayor Hubert: "Oh, er... Then enjoy our fair town!" (He starts to walk away) "I'm afraid it's a little congested today!"

Marshal James Strickland: "You guys don't look like you're from around here... Not by a long shot... Prove yourself to those good folk and maybe they'll accept you. Meanwhile, I have to go deal with Stinky Lomax" (He rides away on his horse)

 Meanwhile, I have to go deal with Stinky Lomax" (He rides away on his horse)

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Wyldstyle: "This place needs help and we can provide that"

(Y/N): "But... Where to start?"

Batman: "Anywhere... At least until that crowd disperse and stops looking at us..."

Lego Ninjago Male Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now