Chapter 16

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A month has passed, and Christmas break has started now because classes have just ended. I am spending the two weeks off from school with Logan. We are spending the time together, one week at his home, and the last week we are spending four days at my mama's home, and then the last two days will be spent at Shay's.

"Baby boy, time for us to head out, and we need to stop for road snacks and drinks," Logan says, stepping into my dorm room after knocking on the door.

"Otay, daddy, I weady," I say with a smile as I bounce onto my toes in excitement.

"That is my good boy," he praises with a smile as I run into his body for the hug that he is offering me with wide arms.

Giggling loudly as I tuck myself into his body, and he kisses the top of my head while tightening his arms around my waist.

"My sweet, good baby boy," he murmurs into my hair.

"My swee' daddy," I giggle, kissing his chest

"Let's go,baby," he says a minute later, pulling back slightly from our hug. "Do not forget your backpack, baby."

"Got it!" I cheer, grabbing my bag off my made bed, and hold it high so daddy can see the bag.

We leave the dorm with Logan locking the door behind us, heading to the parking lot, getting inside his truck, and he drives us to the gas station. We wander the small store, finding the snacks and drinks we want before checking out, and leave for our destination again. We listen to music while we eat our snacks, and drink our drinks before I settle down in my seat for a nap after grabbing my blankie and pillow from the back seat.

"Na-nigh', daddy," I mumble around my left thumb as my eyes flutter shut.

"Night, baby boy," daddy murmurs, reaching his hand over to rub my arm for a second before removing his hand.

"Han', pease?" I request sleepily, and he lays his hand on my thigh with a gentle squeeze.

"Love you, Brae," he murmurs as I start drifting off to sleep.

"Luve daddy," I mumble around my thumb as I drop off fully into the darkness.

Hours later, daddy is waking me from my sleep because we at him home.

"Cawwy, pease" I request as I stand outside of the truck with my arms raised toward him with my blankie in my hand, and a small pout on my lips.

"Sure, baby boy," he agrees with a smile as he tosses our bags, and pillows back into the backseat of the truck before picking me up.

Wrapping my legs around his waist, and my arms around his neck with my face tucked into his neck. He carries me to the front door, and inside the house where he toes of his shoes by the wall before taking my shoes off.

"Mom, dad, we are home!" daddy hollers once our shoes are off, and the door is shut behind us.

"My babies are here!" Mrs. Noble hollers from the living room as she rushes out toward us with a large smile on her lips.

She stops just in front of us when she notices that daddy is carrying me, and that I am still sleepy.

"Someone sleepy?" she coos as I yawn while rubbing the side of my face against daddy's shoulder.

"Yeah, he slept the drive here," daddy answers her while rubbing my back. "He had a hard time sleeping last night because he was excited for break."

"Awe what a sweet boy," she coos, giving daddy and me kisses on our cheeks.

"Hi, Ms. Nowle," I murmur with a sleepy voice and smile.

"Hi, Braelin," she greets with a sweet smile. "Where are your belongings?"

"In the truck still," daddy answers as we walk into the living room. "Baby boy, I am gonna sit you here on the couch, so I can get our stuff, okay?"

Pouting at him with puppy eyes; "Otay, daddy. Huwwy."

"I will, baby," he promises with a kiss to my forehead with a smile. "Be good, okay?"

Nodding with a sleepy smile, and he hums before standing upright to head outside for our stuff. Mrs. Noble sits next to me, and Shelbie climbs onto her lap.

"Hi, Braelin," Shelbie greets with a wave as she snuggles into her mommy's chest.

"Hi, Shwebie," I murmur, feeling a little sad because I cannot cuddle with my mama, and tears fill my eyes at missing her, and I sniffle as I rub my eyes with my fists.

"What is wrong, Brae?" Mrs. Noble asks, brushing my hair away from my eyes.

"Miss mama," I tearfully answer, my pout growing with a tear sliding down my face.

"Oh, love, come here," she coos, wrapping her arm around my shoulders to pull me gently into her side with a kiss to my temple. "You will get to see your mama next week, okay?"

"Pwomise?" I softly ask, tilting my face back slightly to look at her with wide, hopeful eyes.

"I promise, love," she murmurs, kissing my temple again.

"Everything okay in here?" daddy asks, coming back into the room after taking our stuff to our bedroom here.

He squats down in front of me with a small smile, resting his hands on my knees where he gently squeezes. Mrs. Noble explains to daddy what is wrong, and he promises that we will see my mama very soon.

"Would you like to color your mama a picture?" Mrs. Noble asks, and I eagerly nod in agreement.

She sets Shelbie and I up with a lot of different coloring books and crayons at the kitchen table. I color mama a picture of two butterfly's with these sitting on a flower. I color daddy a picture of a dinosaur, and I color Mrs. Noble a picture of a doggy. By the time I finish coloring the three pictures, I feel better, and I know I will see mama soon, and I can hug and kiss her a lot.

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