Chapter 9

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"Are you ready to head out?" Logan asks after we have gotten up from our nap to use the bathroom.

"Yeah," I mumble, still a little embarrassed over dropping into 'Little Space' like I did.

As we move toward the door, said door opens with Xavier and Shay entering the dorm. Both older boys look worried  as Shay shuts the door behind them. They look between Logan and me.

"What happened in class? Are you feeling better now, Brae?" Shay quickly asks, nervousness dripping from his tone, and Xavier is equally worried.

Logan looks over at me, silently asking for permission to explain to them what happened, and I give him a curt nod of agreement.

"Braelin is a 'Little,' and that means he can slip into 'Little Space' which is when someone can relax into a state of carefree mindset, and the person feels safe to do this. The person is able to be a child again for the times they are in this mindset, and the age the person is, is different for each person as is the time they spend in this space each time. Sometimes, they can be different ages too," Logan explains, and I am impressed with how well he explained this to them.

"How old are you during your 'Little Space'?" Xavier curiously asks.

"Three," I simply answer, a pink blush coating my cheeks. "I understand if you guys do not want to be my friends anymore. I understand if I am too weird for doing this. I also get if you ask for a new roommate, or ask for me to be transferred, Xavier."

"Hey, none of that, Braelin," Xavier instantly says, stepping closer to me. "You are my friend, and I would never not be your friend or roommate over this. You are stuck with me, dude."

"You are stuck with me, too, Brae," Shay says as he bounces over to me with a large, silly grin on his lips. "Can I ask how you go into 'Little Space'?"

"Um, I  have a couple of ways," I answer with my cheeks tinting a darker pink color. "If I am overly stressed, if I am extremely comfortable with the people around me, or both, then I can slip."

"Can we know which happened today?" Logan tentatively asks, his right arm wrapping around my waist, and pulling me into his side.

"Um, today was both," I mumble, tucking my face into his neck. "I was, am a little stressed over going to Thanksgiving at yours, and I know I am safe and very comfortable with the three of you."

"I am sorry you are stressed about Thanksgiving, but I know I am glad you are comfortable with us. You are also very safe with us," Logan murmurs, squeezing me tighter into his body.

The other boys agree with Logan, and then I ask Logan how he knew what was happening with me.

"Um, I, well, the three of us have never figured out how to tell you we have been training in the BDSM lifestyle," Logan shyly admits after clearing his throat. "We are being trained as Doms, um, Dominates, and I am being trained to be a 'Daddy' as well."

Giggling loudly against his neck for several seconds before pulling my face back to look at him with a huge grin; "That is awesome! You guys are gonna be awesome Doms!"

"You aren't grossed out by this?" Shay asks, and he sounds shocked as he stares at me with wide eyes.

"Why would I be?" I ask with a raised eyebrow. "I am a 'Little,' and probably a submissive."

"Okay, we can discuss this more when we are back from break," Logan seriously says. "All four of us need to head out."

The four of us grab our bags from the floor where were left them, and tell each other goodbye, well except for Logan and me. We head off to our respective vehicles to leave the school. Logan opens the passenger side door for me with a wink and a bright smile. We settle in the seats after placing our bags on the back seat of the truck since it is an extended cab.

"How long is the drive to your home?" I softly ask as he pulls out onto the main road.

"About two hours, but a little longer than that because we are gonna stop at the gas station to grab snacks and drinks," he answers with a wide grin.

"Okay. I never realized you lived so close to the school," I murmur. "Do Shay and Xavier live that close to the school, too?"

"They live closer actually," he says, surprising me. "Xavier lives about an hour away, and Shay lives about thirty minutes away. How far away do you live?"

"Um, I live about four hours away from the school," I mumble, chewing on my lower lip. "So, eight hours round trip."

"Damn, so when we visit your mom, we need to leave right after last class," Logan states, pulling into the local gas station, and parks in front of the building.

"Come on, you need to pick out your snacks and drinks," he says when I make no move to climb from the truck.

Silently climbing from the truck, I walk beside him into the store, and I stuck so close to his side that our fingers brush against each other every time we take a step.

"Grab whatever you want," he tells me with a serious expression, and I nod.

He grabs two small bags of chips, and two small bottles of soda, and I grab the cheapest bag of chips I can find, along with water. Logan pays for our stuff, and we head back to the truck, and head out again for our two hour trip to his home.

He turns the radio on low for background noise, so the volume does not bother us while we talk. Talking with Logan is so easy, and I feel so comfortable with him like no one else.

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