Chapter 12

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By 10 p.m., I am more than ready for bed, but I do not know how to tell Logan this. He saves me from trying to figure out how when he stands to his seat with a yawn. Shelbie has been in bed for the past two hours.

"I do not know about Braelin, but I am ready for bed," he tells his parents.

"I am, too," I murmur with a tired smile that turns into my own yawn that I cover with my left palm.

"Good night, boys," Mr. and Mrs. Noble say as they stand, too. "We are going to bed, too. Please be awake no later than ten."

"Good night, love you both," Logan tells them with a bright smile.

"Good night, Mr. and Mrs. Noble," I murmur with a small smile as I move to stand next to Logan.

He slips his arm around my waist with a gentle grip on my hip as the four of us make our way to the bedrooms upstairs. Logan shuts the door behind us, and he asks if I want to shower tonight or in the morning, and I tell him in the morning. He says he is taking one in the morning, too, so we change into our jammies. His is a pair of dark blue pants, and a bare chest, and mine are a pair of dark blue pants with white, fluffy clouds, and a white long sleeve shirt. We use the toilet, brush our teeth, and wash our face in his en-suite bathroom.

"Come to bed, baby," Logan grins, pulling the covers down as I nervously stand by the bathroom door.

Eagerly rushing over to the free side of the bed, climbing on with small bounces. When he settles on his back, he holds the covers up slightly with his right hand, so I can crawl over to his side, and snuggle against his side.

"Are you comfy, love?" he murmurs, pulling the covers over me after I stop wiggling around, and I can tell by his tone that he is smiling.

"Yup, are you?" I mumble with a yawn as I place my face on his peck.

"Definitely," he mumbles, running the tips of his fingers over my arm that is lying across his stomach before he kisses the top of my head. "Sleep well, my lovely boyfriend."

"You too, daddy," I mumble, kissing his peck as my eyes flutter shut; I know I fall asleep warm, safe, content, and happy with a smile on my lips.

The next morning, I am awoken by Logan as he softly rubs my belly while telling me that it is time to wake for breakfast.

Groaning as I crack my eyes open enough to look at him; "What time is it, and how long have you been awake?"

Logan looks a little too awake for just getting up; "It is nine-thirty, and I have been up almost an hour."

"Weirdo," I groan as I stretch. "Why were you up so early on a non-school day?"

He chuckles as he brushes my hair off my forehead; "I got up to help mom with some of the food, and showered after that."

Looking at his hair, it is indeed wet; "Oh. What can I help with?"

"Just shower and get ready for my family," he answers, causing me to pout.

"But I wanna help," I kind of whine, sitting with my back against the pillows and headboards.

"No pouting or whining, baby boy," he firmly states with a raised right eyebrow.

"Sorry," I whisper with a thick voice, and tears pool into my eyes. "I did not mean to be bad, please do not be mad at me!"

"Hey, hey, I am not mad at you, Brae," he quickly assures, pulling me into a tight hug.

Crying into his chest as I clench fistfuls of his t-shirt at his stomach, repeating over and over again into his chest; "I am sorry."

"Sshh, you are okay, I am not mad at you," he quietly assures as he rubs my back. "I am sorry for making you upset."

I calm down several minutes later to hiccups, but I stay hidden under his chin, even when he tries to coax me out.

"I will be good and quiet," I murmur with a sniffle as I let go of his shirt to rub my eyes with my left hand.

"No, baby boy, that is not what I want you to do or act," Logan whispers sadly. "I want you to be you, and express yourself."

"May I shower?" I mumble, wanting to have a few minutes to myself at the moment, and try to collect myself.

"Sure, Brae," he replies, and I pull away from him to scramble off the bed to the dresser, grab my bag, and rush into the bathroom.

Carefully shutting the door behind me, avoiding Logan's gaze. Placing the bag on the counter, pulling out a pair of black leggings, black fuzzy socks, and a cream colored knitted sweater that is too big for me. I leave these on the counter before taking out my body wash, shampoo, conditioner, and body lotion that are all lavender-vanilla scented.

Turning on the hot water knob, I strip from my clothes as the water warms, and I grab a towel from the cupboard. When the water is hot, I step into the spray, sticking my head under the water, and that is when I let out the first sob. Hysterically crying while scrubbing myself clean from hair to toes.

About fifteen minutes later, I shut off the water, step out, dry off, and lotion myself before getting dressed. I comb my hair, and brush my hair before grabbing my stuff, and leave the bathroom back into the bedroom, and Logan is no longer there.

Feeling disappointed, I take care of my dirty clothes and wet towel into the clothes hamper by the closet door, place my shower supplies back into my backpack, and work myself into leaving the room to find Logan.

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