Chapter 7

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Several months have passed, and we are a couple of weeks before the Thanksgiving break at the end of November. I am staying here over the four day break that ends Sunday night. Mama cannot afford to drive here and back home twice for me to spend the holiday with her and uncle Parker, and I understand this even if I am sad over this fact.

"Brae, are you excited about going home for break?" Logan asks as the four of us do our homework in mine and Xavier's dorm.

Blankly looking at him from my psychology homework; "Uh, not really since I will be here during break. I will be staying here over every break until the start of the summer break."

He frowns at me, and when I look over at Shay and Xavier, they are frowning at me, too.

"Mama cannot afford the gas to drive here and back, and to do that again at the end of the breaks," I explain to them, still no understanding how they did not realize this.

"You can come home with me for Thanksgiving," Logan instantly offeres.

Smiling at him as I shake my head; "Thank you for the offer, Logan, but I am okay with staying here. I plan on getting ahead on all of my classes during the break."

"Nope, you should be with people, and if you cannot make it home to spend this with your mom, then you should spend this with me, my dad, step-mom, and younger sister.

Quirking an eyebrow at him, asking; "I did not know you have a little sister. What is her name?"

Yes, I am trying to change the subject.

Logan stares at me for several seconds before answering my question; "Yes, I have a younger sister named Shelby, and she is five. Stop trying to change the subject, Brae. Would you accept my offer if I call and ask my parents if this is okay?"

Biting my lip, I nod, and he smiles while pulling his phone off the coffee table in front of himto call his home, and places the call on speaker.

A woman's voice answers on the third ring, cheerfully; "Hi Logan! How are you and the boys?"

"Hi mom, we are all good," Logan chuckles. "Um, I called to ask an important question."
"Sure sweetheart, what is your question?" she answers, making me smile at how lovely she sounds.

"You remember me mentioning our new friend, Braelin?" he asks, and she hums in acknowledgement before he continues. "Well, he is unable to go home for this break, so I am wondering if he can come home with me, and spend it at ours?"

She does not hesitate with her answer; "Of course he can! We would love to have him here with us as long as his parents do not care."

"He is gonna call his mom here in a minute to ask her, too, but we wanted to ask you first," Logan assures her, and she hums an acknowledgement, and she requests Logan text her back with the answer.

They talk for a couple of more minutes before ending their call, and Logan grins at me as he hands the phone to me, so I can call mama.

Dialing her cell number, she has a cheap pre-pay phone, and wait for her to answer which she does on the second ring; "Hello?"

She sounds confused, and that is when I realize I have never called her cell from Logan's; "Hi mama. I am using Logan's phone."

"Oh! Hi baby!" she all but shouts, and I giggle softly. "What do I owe this pleasure?"

"Um, I have been kindly offered by Logan and his family to spend Thanksgiving break at his home," I explain. "Is this okay with you? His mama wanted to make sure it is okay with you?"

She is quiet for a second before answering with a happy tone; "Of course it is, Brae. I am just sorry I cannot bring you home for any of the school breaks."

Lightly frowning at this, mumbling; "Mama, it is okay, I understand. I love you, mama and uncle, too. I will call you on Thanksgiving day to talk to you both."

"Okay baby, and I love you, too," she murmurs. "Bye Brae."

"By mama," I whisper, trying to keep the tears in as we end our call.

Handing the phone back to Logan with a weak smile, and he takes it with his own soft smile as he texts his mom what mama's answer is.

"I know spending this break with us is not the same as spending it with your mom and uncle, but I hope you have a good time with me and my family," Logan gently says, wrapping his arm around my waist to pull me into his side.

Placing the side of my face on his shoulder with a quiet sniffle; "I appreciate being able to spend the holiday with you and your family when I cannot spend it with mine. Who all comes that day?"

"My parents, my sister, my grandparents, both sets, plus my biological mom's parents, and my dad's younger brother who is widowed," he softly answers into my hair with a tiny squeexe of my hip where his hand is resting.

"Wow, full house," I mutter, impressed at the number of people in one house for a holiday. "That is what, eleven people in the house?"

"Yup, eleven people for every holiday, but this Thanksgiving, we will have twelve," he says, and I can hear the smile in his voice.
"I truly appreciate the inviation," I murmur, tilting my head back slightly to look at his side profile from his shoulder.

"Anytime, Brae," he says with a wider smile. "I am glad you can spend it with us instead of being here and alone."

"I am glad I am, too," I shyly admit with a deep crimson blush coating my entire body. "I am excited to experience Thanksgiving with you and your family."

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