Chapter 4

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"You have a beautiful car, Logan," I compliment in a murmur, slight awe leaking through my words as he uses the key fob in his right hand to unlock the doors when we are about a foot away.

"Thank you, Braelin," he mumbles with a cheerful smile. "Climb in."

"This is a twenty-eighteen, is it not?" I ask as we settle into the seats.

Logan snaps his head up to look at me with wide eyes, and asks like he is shocked; "Yes, it is. Please do not take this the wrong way, but I am surprised you know that."

Casting my eyes down to my lap, and land on my folded hands, mumbling; "I worked at my uncle's mechanic garage. I started working there when I was ten on the weekends for a little bit of money to try and help mama with bills. I got really good at the years, makes, and models of vehicles."

"Braelin, I," he starts to say while he drives toward the exit of the lot. "I am such an insensitive asshole. I, man, no matter how I say what I meant, it will sound very insensitive and cliche of me, so I will just keep my mouth shut."

"I know I do not look like the kind of guy who has any clue about vehicles," I mumble, confident he was going to comment something similar to this. "It is okay to tell me that."

"Man, I really need to reevaluate how I view people," he mumbles, I think more to himself than me.

I do no comment, so we sit in silence until we reach the store. When we enter the inside, Logan grabs a cart, and we walk up and down every aisles.

"What kind of junk food do you like?" he asks as we enter the aisle with cookies and chips.

Shrugging at him as I look at him; "I do not have a favorite junk food. Besides, I am not eating your guys' food. If I get hungry, I go to the cafe to grab something. Thanks, though."

Again he just frowns at me without saying a word which is fine. He grabs a couple of cookies before we move further down the aisle. He seems to be grabbing items at random, but perhaps he is not.

"Alright, what is your favorite color?" Logan asks as we move to another aisle.

"Uh, purple as of right now, what about you?" I reply, chewing on my left thumbnail as we walk side by side because no one else is in the aisle with us.

"Baby blue or pale pink," he answers as he scans the available options in front of him. "What is your favorite horror movie?"

"H-horror?" I squeak with wide, fear filled eyes. "Nope! I do not like horror movies!"

Logan brings his head up from the snacks he is debating between to look at me strangely; "You are kidding me, right?"

Violently shaking my head, harshly biting my lower lip in fear; "No, I am not kidding. I hate being scared!"

"That is okay, but why do you not like being scared?" he asks as if he is baffled by my statement.

"Um, I dunno, I just do not like being scared," I softly answer, not wanting to tell him the truth because I will be ashamed by this honesty.

"That is okay, we will not watch anything horror," he promises, and I weakly smile my thanks as I feel relief wash through me despite the guilt I feel over this.

"Okay, I think we have everything we will need," he grins over at me, and my eyes widen in shock at the amount of food and drinks that are in the cart.

"The three of you are gonna consume that much in one day?" I ask in disbelief as we make our way toward the checkouts.

"Um, yeah we can, but do not do this very often," he admits with a shy smile, and I hum to let him know that I heard him.

Logan pays the total with a card before we make our way to the parking lot, and place the bags into the trunk of his car. Finishing this task, we climb into the Mustang, and he drives us back to the dorms, and we talk the entire way. We each grab six bags, and walk inside the dorm building, and to his room. He kicks the bottom of the door with his right foot, three times. Shay opens the door a moment later with a wide grin.

"Let us in, dude, these are getting heavy," Logan grumbles as he shoulders his way past his best friend with a playful scowl.

Shay softly chuckles at Logan as he winks at me while grabbing three of the bags from me while I move past him. About fifteen minutes later, we have the snacks placed on the counter in the small kitchen, and the drinks in the fridge to become cold.

"Glad you are joining us, Braelin," Shay grins while we finish our task.

Blushing, I duck my head, mumbling; "Thanks."

Just then there a knock on the door before it opens with Xavier walks inside with a handful of video games that I have seen in the living area of our dorm.

"Hello boys!" Xavier hollers to Shay and Logan before his gaze lands on me, and his eyes widen in surprise. "Hi Braelin, I had been wondering where you had gone off to this morning before I got up."

"I went for breakfast at the cafe, and," I start, and Logan finishes for me.

"And we sat together, and he agreed to hang with us, and we went to grab food and drinks," he finishes with a proud smile toward me, and I think my blush has reached the roots of my hair.

"Well, I am glad you decided to join us because we are gonna have a blast!" Xavier cheers, almost hurting my ears, and he has a silly grin on his lips.

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