7 ∆ Getaway Car

Start from the beginning

"I shouldn't be with you anymore" he avoided her eye contact as his fingers drummed against her skin.

"What are you on about?"

"This. Us. I shouldn't. I can't bring you into this mess, " his abruptness and inconsiderate timing boiled her blood.

She stared blankly at him. Her mouth opened to speak but she was speechless.

"Fuck you" finally came out with an insync eye roll.

He seemed taken aback as his head jerked back and his brow raised. But seriously, what was he expecting?

"You know how hard this is for me, you've let me get to know you.. trust you dare I say and now you want out?" Her stubborn nature kicked it as she cracked her finger out of frustration.

The nights they had spent up by the lake, he had tried to keep his dilemma hidden but for some reason around her, the dam walls broke and everything came flooding out...literally everything, every single dark secret and every heavy regret.

Calum had spoken about his bleak childhood, his mind numbing teens and his deadened early twenties.

She knew the extent of his job and the decisions he had made. She was aware that he had hurt people; he was a brute. But even then she had chosen to stay(even if she wasn't sure exactly why). She couldn't deny how effortless it was with him. For the first time she felt like she could breathe, her mind stopped racing and the urge to be doing something constantly was soothed with Cal. She could just simply be with him.

"There's just no other way" he shrugged, his head in despair. He had dedicated nights of no sleep racking his brain for the best solution. But there wasn't one. Either he was to cut her out or she was all in and he couldn't ask that of anybody, let alone her.

"I know I've not gotten on with Ash, but I'm sure I could persuade him somehow" she smirked...she was still yet to tell him about her run in with Blondie but now still didn't feel like that was the right time.

"Maybe, let me talk to them, see what I can do...I really don't want to lose you but I don't want you dragged into this shit"

She laughed sadistically, sure she hadn't exactly pierced a chest with a bullet or whatever, but her life wasn't exactly the norm.

"I'm not going anywhere unless you bury me six feet down" she chuckled and Calum did too. Only they could both find humor in that.

It was another late night at Irwin's bar. As it was Tuesday, the bar wasn't nearly as full as weekend nights. Higher end clients were always arranged for these sorts of nights due to the fewer number of university students.

But that wasn't the reason she was here tonight. After weeks of getting to know the brown haired, brown eyed Australian, she was frighteningly close to him actually becoming someone she genuinely cared about. It was never supposed to go this far, and if she was going to let it continue she needed to know everything.. including whether or not he was going to pick her or them.

He was everything she should hate but their connection was undeniable so to make herself feel better she was stood watching Calum and his friends analyzing their every move.

Calum had entered the building cocky and confident but as he stepped foot on the stairwell, he bottled it.

After downing 5 shots and a double whiskey, he had finally plucked the courage. Demi was equally impressed and concerned for the amount of liquor he had consumed within the space of two minutes.

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