
Start from the beginning

Zartasha's heart raced with anticipation as he leaned in, capturing her lips in a tender, passionate kiss. The warmth of the water and the scent of their shared love filled the air as their bodies pressed against each other.

Their hands explored each other's curves, tracing familiar paths and igniting a fire that burned between them. Soft whispers of affection and desire mingled with the sound of cascading water, creating an intimate soundtrack to their moment of bliss.

Lost in each other, they indulged in the playful and passionate moments, cherishing the love and connection they shared. Time seemed to stand still as they reveled in the joy of their morning session,deepening their bond and strengthening their love.
The morning echoed with their love, promising more adventures and a lifetime of cherished memories yet to come.

Getting dressed, Zartasha and Shahmeer made their way downstairs to the breakfast table. The table was set with delicious dishes, striking a balance between traditional and modern cuisine. There were freshly baked croissants, accompanied by a selection of jams and spreads. A colorful fruit platter adorned the center, showcasing a variety of succulent berries, sliced melons, and juicy citrus fruits. A pot of steaming tea and a pitcher of freshly squeezed orange juice completed the spread.

As they settled down to enjoy their breakfast, Shifa asked if she was free that day. Zartasha inquired about her well-being before Shifa revealed her desire for a girl's day out.

"It's been a while since we last spent quality time together," Shifa explained. "I thought it would be great to go out and do some shopping too."

Zartasha glanced at Shahmeer, knowing his caring nature. He often accompanied her when she went out or shopped online for her. However, she also wanted to spend time with Shifa. After a moment of contemplation, she replied positively.

"Sure, we will go," Zartasha agreed, smiling at Shifa.

"I'll also join you guys," Suffyan, Shahmeer's younger brother, chimed in.

"Why? Are you a girl?" Shahmeer interrupted, giving Suffyan a pointed look.

Suffyan quickly defended himself, saying, "I just want to check on them, you know, for their protection."

The room fell silent for a moment, and everyone exchanged glances, amusement dancing in their eyes.

"Come to the office on time," Shahmeer finally said, effectively ending the conversation. Suffyan then looked at Zartasha, who shrugged and chuckled lightly.

After finishing breakfast, Zartasha and Shahmeer headed back to their room. He began collecting his belongings, preparing to leave for the office. Zartasha offered her assistance and helped him put on his coat.

As they stood close, she asked, "Are you angry with me?"

Shahmeer raised an eyebrow in surprise. "Why would I be?" he questioned gently, extending his hand for her to tie his watch around his wrist.

"Because I didn't ask for permission before agreeing to go out with Shifa," Zartasha explained, her voice filled with concern.

Shahmeer let out a sigh, his eyes filled with tenderness. He cupped her face affectionately, assuring her, "No, I could never be angry with you, especially over something so trivial. I've realized that maybe I've become overly possessive, not allowing you to go out even with family. It's just that I'm scared of something happening or any rival of mine getting a chance to hurt my family."

Zartasha leaned into his touch, her worries easing. "Don't worry, and I won't go if it bothers you. You just don't need to stress."

Shahmeer handed her a card, saying, "Take this card and enjoy yourself. I'll arrange for extra security to be with you guys."

Zartasha hesitated, shaking her head. "I have enough money, Meer," she insisted, declining the card.

He gave her a stern look, his love shining in his eyes. "I love you so much, Zar," he confessed.

A genuine smile lit up Zartasha's face as she replied, "I love you too, Meer."

Shifa and Zartasha made their way to the mall, their car flanked by guards both in the front and back for added security. As they stepped out of the car, they were greeted by the bustling atmosphere of the mall, filled with shoppers and various stores.

Shifa had plans to shop for clothes she needed for her daily wear at university, and Zartasha accompanied her, although she wasn't particularly fond of shopping. They entered a clothing store, and Shifa browsed through racks of clothes, carefully selecting items that caught her eye. Zartasha, on the other hand, wandered around the store, occasionally offering her opinion and helping Shifa make choices.

As they stepped out of the shop, Shifa noticed that Zartasha hadn't bought anything. Curiosity piqued, she asked him, "Bhabhi, you didn't buy anything? Don't you need anything new?"

She smiled and replied, "I have enough clothes for now. Meer recently ordered some for me to wear at university as well. My wardrobe is literally overflowing, and I've strictly told him to stop shopping for me"

Shifa chuckled and nodded, understanding her point. "Alright then, let's go to J. bhabhi. Suffyan said he wants a new perfume," she said pointing towards an outlet of Junaid Jamshed.

She agreed with a nod, and both of them entered the shop. Shifa went straight to the perfume section, carefully sniffing various scents and comparing them. Meanwhile, Zartasha looked around the store, her mind filled with thoughts of getting something for Shahmeer. Although it was his money, she wanted to surprise him with a gift.

Shifa noticed her sister-in-law's contemplative expression and asked, "What are you looking for, bhabhi?"

Zartasha smiled and replied, "I'm thinking of buying something for Meer."

Shifa grinned, excited about the idea. "Sure, let's do it then! We can find something perfect for him."

The two of them ventured into a few different shops, carefully selecting shirts for Shahmeer, as well as gifts for Suffyan, their father-in-law, mother-in-law, and dadi. After completing their shopping, they decided to relax and headed to a nearby cafe to unwind.

At the cafe, they found a cozy corner and settled in. Shifa ordered refreshing iced tea, while Zartasha opted for her favorite caramel macchiato, and brownies. They chatted about their day, discussing the various stores they had visited and the items they had purchased, savoring the pleasant atmosphere and the aroma of freshly brewed coffee.

As the evening rolled in, they made their way back home, eager to share their purchases with everyone. They entered the house, where Suffyan, their father-in-law, mother-in-law, and dadi were gathered. Excitement brimmed within them as they displayed their shopping finds, explaining the stories behind each item.

Amidst the conversations and laughter, Suffyan's phone rang, prompting him to pick it up. "Hello," he answered, his voice curious. As he listened to the person on the other side, his expression froze, his eyes widening with shock.

 As he listened to the person on the other side, his expression froze, his eyes widening with shock

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