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Jungkook stared at tigress with wide eyes but that's not the only thing that shook him to the core. What caught his most of attention was the transformation. The reality that tiny cat turned into huge tigress. On top of everything, tigress was glaring at him with not so soft eyes.

Taehyung's soft giggles brought him back to reality

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Taehyung's soft giggles brought him back to reality. Jungkook sighed and looked at him for explanation.

"She's Iris" Tae said.

"Yeah! and I'm Iron man" jungkook mocked him.

"I know you like Iron man but isn't it too much to think your self as Iron man" taehyung replied back.

"I don't like Iron man. I lov--" jungkook gulped his words in his throat after hearing his sweet husband's voice.

"I dare you to complete that sentence Mr.jeon" taehyung glared at him with damn serious eyes which made jungkook apologise. Jungkook move forward towards taehyung. He was about to hug him when he heard a growl which made him step back.

"Stop being villain in my love story" jungkook said in irritation so he didn't realise what he did until he heard another growl. This time little louder.

Jungkook showed his puppy eyes to taehyung. "Stop teasing him Iris" Tae said and tigress stopped growling. She sat like an obedient child.

"That's not how you tease someone" jungkook mumbled but others heard it clearly so before another war can broke taehyung cleared his throat.

"She's a legendary tigress! Simply a blessing from God for purple child. She protects him/her when needed. She born before birth of princess and lived almost from sanctuaries" taehyung said while jungkook just nodded.

"It's so cool" jungkook said after few minutes which made taehyung chuckled. Jungkook looked at tigress who showed his tongue to him in teasing maner.

Not to lie! Jungkook found it cute

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Not to lie! Jungkook found it cute. Little by little jungkook stepped closer to her. He looked at tigress before putting his hand on top of her head to pat him. Tigress didn't resist so he took the clue and patted her. Tigress was purring. Taehyung looked at both in adoration.

Tigress was playing with jungkook's hand by using his paws. Jungkook enjoyed it until taehyung uttered those depressing words which almost bought jungkook's soul out of his body.

"Well, there's another one" jungkook whined in his mind. But that's when something clicked his mind, maybe he had little bit idea about other one.

But before jungkook can ask anything they heard a loud, clear and dominating roar which sent shivers to their body. With lots of hesitantly jungkook turned his head around to see where that sound came from. That's when he saw a majestic tiger, coming towards them with powerful walk.

Jungkook started breathing again when he witnessed how his husband handled the tiger without any difficulty

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Jungkook started breathing again when he witnessed how his husband handled the tiger without any difficulty. Jungkook looked at tiger in disbelief when he passed him with huff. He saw the tigers being lovey-dovey so they must be couple.

Jungkook walked near taehyung and slowly whispered in his ear "He's coming with us too?" Taehyung nodded in replied and swore to jungkook's banana milk, his face looked like a baby who's about to cry

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Jungkook walked near taehyung and slowly whispered in his ear "He's coming with us too?" Taehyung nodded in replied and swore to jungkook's banana milk, his face looked like a baby who's about to cry.

"That's enough romance for today! Now transform" taehyung said to tiger couple who first ignored him but after seeing his serious glare they finally transforms. Not before roaring at jungkook who was clinging to taehyung. Jungkook stepped a little away from taehyung as he didn't want to be breakfast of some possessive tiger.

"Even in cat form he looks scary" jungkook whispered near taehyung's ear after seeing new tiger's cat form.

"His name is leo" taehyung said

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"His name is leo" taehyung said.

Tigress stopped near jungkook's feet who picked her up instantly. Taehyung felt little moments on his right leg. He looked down only to witness cutest sight. Tiger was stretching taehyung's pant with his little paws to grab his attention. Taehyung bent down and holds him before walking inside.


Short chapter! But I hope it'll work for now...I'll update soon.


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