Chapter 211

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  After Mu Qiong brought these children to Huo Ying's factory, in addition to showing them around Huo Ying's factory, he also borrowed the classroom in Huo Ying's factory to start teaching these children.

  The workers in Huo Ying's factory only attend classes at night, and during the day, classrooms can be lent to them.

  Mu Qiong has high requirements for his students, hoping that they can learn more knowledge than the workers in Huoying's factory, so he bought a lot of learning tools and came back.

  Holding brand-new books, these students are even more grateful—they must study hard so that they can repay Mr. Lou Yuyu!

  As for Mu Qiong, he looked at the grateful expressions of these children and asked people to put a lot of black sesame seeds in the rice they ate.

  Before these children shaved their heads, not only did they have lice in their hair, but all their hair was sparse, withered and yellow, and it was cut in a mess—although the parents in ancient times paid attention to the body, hair, skin and skin, in fact, the young children all Short hair, especially boys, after all, poor people don't have time to take care of their hair.

  Fang Tianjian and Fei Kangyu are both very capable, and they have recruited many teachers, plus there are workers arranged by Huo Ying to teach these children skills to help... Mu Qiong is fine.

  But he wasn't idle.

  He's been working on the book about the First World War.

  In this book, he wrote it in the form of autobiography, writing stories that the author encountered along the way, and the first story at the beginning is called "Disappointment".

  The "I" in the book traveled across the oceans and came to China, hoping to visit the beautiful and rich countries described in some previous travel notes, but I was disappointed in the end.

  The people here are completely different from what "I" imagined. They nodded and bowed to "I" one by one, and their fawning looks even made "I" unconsciously proud and began to look down on them.

  Of course, such emotions are hidden between the lines, and they are not written outright.

  The second article is called "Help", and it is written that "I" saw many people living in poverty, and then started to help these people, and at the same time met many people... and among them, "I" is still a little bit high.

  Mu Qiong did not intentionally beautify his country, but he did not blindly vilify it either. He wrote about people in this country flattering "I", and he also wrote about the knowledgeable and educated literati and beautiful women he met in "I".

  The third one is called "Labor". The recruitment of labor by Britain and France in China is a scam, but "I" did not write that, "I" wrote that the people of this country took the initiative to work as workers in Britain and France for their livelihood, and even added some sensational things in it. The scene makes people feel that these laborers are great.


  "I feel a little uncomfortable when you write like this." Huo Ying frowned slightly after reading Mu Qiong's works.

  He has lived abroad for many years, and he can easily read novels in English.

  "This book needs to be published." Mu Qiong said, "I will write another novel in the future, which will be devoted to the history of labor's blood and tears."

  In the end, Mu Qiong was also a little lost. In this era, too many people died, but it was difficult for him to stop those deaths.

  "This is a good idea." Huo Ying said, and then remembered the business: "By the way, Mu Qiong, I came to you this time because I have good news to tell you."

The Literary Hero of the Republic of China (民国之文豪) [MTL]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ