Chapter 97- 98

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  Chapter 97

  Chongxin School.

  Early in the morning, Sheng Chaohui recruited a new employee of the editorial department of the Educational Monthly, Sheng Chaohui's cousin Liu Xinchun brought people and pulled a cart of Educational Monthly to the school gate to deliver books to the school.

  When he arrived at the school, it was the time for the students to come to school. Seeing the stacks of books on the cart, the students were all very happy and looked at them non-stop: "It's an educational monthly magazine!"

  "There's another book to read!"

  "I don't know if there is a story like "Thumbelina" this time!"


  Most of these students looked at those educational monthly magazines eagerly, but some of them immediately looked at the father who sent them to study: "Dad, I also want an educational monthly magazine, go and buy me one! "

  When the school asked students to subscribe to the monthly educational magazine, most of the students did not subscribe, after all, they had never heard of this magazine at that time.

  At first, seeing that the magazine was not delivered, they laughed at those who subscribed, but when the last issue of the Educational Monthly was released, these people were only envious of those who subscribed.

  This magazine is much more interesting than they imagined!

  Students with poor conditions can only borrow other people's books after others have finished reading them, but students with good conditions and loved by their families begin to pester their parents to buy them.

  "Okay, I'll buy it for you later in the evening!" Dang's father said cheerfully.

  "What if we can't buy it at night? Didn't it take us a lot of days to get it last month?" The student said again: "Dad, go buy it now!"

  As a father, he had no choice but to agree.

  I have to take a detour early in the morning to buy books... If I had known that he had spent money to subscribe for a year, their family does not lack this ocean!

  Of course, some parents are helpless, but some parents are in a good mood.

  A father who had previously complained about the school cheating money was very happy now.

  This book is pretty good, order it right!

  Yao Hong also arrived at the school.

  Seeing those books, he felt aggrieved.

  When the school asked him to subscribe to the monthly education magazine, he wanted to subscribe, and he went home and told his grandmother, but his grandmother refused to pay him to order it.

  Now, many people in the class have books to read, but he has nothing.

  He couldn't bear to borrow someone to watch it, so that a month had passed and he still hadn't watched the first issue.

  The rest of the class did better than him in the exam, maybe because they all read the book.

  Yao Hong was full of dissatisfaction, and even more dissatisfied when he saw Mu Changyu walking into the school wearing beautiful clothes and carrying a beautiful schoolbag.

  The Mu family was obviously so poor before, but now they live so much better than him...Why?

  Of course, although he wasn't angry, he just thought about it and didn't dare to trouble Mu Changyu.

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