Chapter 27- 28

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  Chapter 27 Farce

  After Mu Qiong arrived at the western restaurant this morning, he taught Li Guangming English first, just like the previous few days.

  The western restaurant hadn't opened yet, and the employees were all busy in the store, either cleaning or helping to choose vegetables, and their eyes fell on Mu Qiong and Li Guangming from time to time, with envy in their eyes.

  Mu Qiong has been stared at by such eyes for several days, and he is no longer used to it at first.

  Speaking of which, he asked these people a few times if they wanted to study together, but none of these people agreed, and they all said that they didn't even know Chinese, and they definitely couldn't learn foreign language.

  Mu Qiong was quite helpless about this.

  Boss Chen rarely stayed in a western restaurant today.

  He has been very busy these days, running outside all day, he has lost a lot of weight, but he is miraculously refreshed again.

  He watched Mu Qiong teach Li Guangming with a smile, and after Mu Qiong finished teaching, he said to Mu Qiong: "Xiao Mu, come here."

  "Uncle Chen." Mu Qiong greeted Boss Chen with a smile.

  "Xiao Mu, you have been working here for a month, and this is your salary." Boss Chen said, and took out two tubes of silver dollars wrapped in paper to Mu Qiong.

  "Uncle Chen, that's too much." Mu Qiong had obtained such a tube of silver dollars before, and knew that there were ten silver dollars in one tube, so there were twenty silver dollars in the two tubes.

  Boss Chen had promised him a salary increase before, but even so, it wasn't as much as twenty a month.

  "The renovation of my restaurant hasn't started yet, so I'm afraid I'll need you to come and have a look in the future, so this money should be regarded as your wages in advance." Boss Chen said.

  Before, Mu Qiong helped the restaurant to make upholstery, and it could be done in a few days, but this time even the tables and chairs had to be replaced, so it was not so fast, and then one after another, it took a month to say the least.

  "Then thank you, Uncle Chen." Mu Qiong accepted it without being pretentious.

  He will be able to get the manuscript fee soon, so he should not be short of money, but with more money in hand, he can be more affluent, and he has confidence in his heart.

  As for the decoration of the western restaurant, he had originally planned to come and have a look at it from time to time in the future... He actually has a deep affection for the western restaurant.

  "Go upstairs and write something. I'll call you when it's time for lunch." Boss Chen said again.

  Mu Qiong didn't refuse, and nodded in agreement.

  Although the decoration of the western restaurant has not yet started, he has already drawn the general appearance and told Boss Chen, and all the decorative paintings hanging on the walls have been drawn. This time when we go upstairs, we only need to write own article.

  Jiang Zhenguo, the protagonist in his novel, finally won the appreciation of a foreign tutor with his own efforts, and began to study knowledge desperately. It was at this time that he met the heroine.

  For the novel "Study Abroad", Mu Qiong has already given 20,000 words to the newspaper.

  Although he didn't get the manuscript fee because it hasn't been published yet, but the contract with the newspaper has been signed, basically it won't be pornographic, and he can take it to other newspapers if it is pornographic.

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