Chapter 151

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  At this time, although Western medicine already had a relevant system, it was still immature.

  Not to mention anything else, let's just say that sixty or seventy years ago, some famous foreign surgeons operated on people, not in the operating room, but in some "theatres", and they even sold tickets for people come and see.

  The ticket money they make is much more than the money they make from surgery.

  At the same time... At that time, the mortality rate of the people who performed the operation was very high, and even the doctor himself might die. Some doctors accidentally cut their own hands when operating on patients, infected with bacteria, and then died with The patient died together...

  It can be said that at that time when the patient underwent surgery, he was desperately fighting for his life, and it was very, very painful. After all, there was no anesthesia at that time, and the patient was awake the whole time, not to mention that it still hurt, so he had to be tied up and held down by an assistant. hands and feet...

  Lie in the middle of the "theatre" with five flowers tied up, letting the doctor open up his stomach, and there are people clapping and applauding beside him from time to time... It's also very miserable.

  But things have gotten better in recent years, and after the discovery of bacteria, sterile laboratories became popular.

  But even if there is some improvement and emphasis on disinfection, there are still a lot of patients who died of infection. In addition, there are also a lot of infectious diseases caused by bacteria at this time.

  For example, scarlet fever caused by hemolytic streptococcal infection is a disease that makes people talk about it. At this time in Europe, some families even had several children die of scarlet fever.

  In the world classics that Mu Qiong read in modern times, scarlet fever was often mentioned. Children were infected and almost died.

  And in China at this time, scarlet fever also broke out frequently. Of course, Chinese medicine does not call it scarlet fever, it calls it rotten throat. It is classified as a plague. After infection, the mortality rate is as high as 15%, and the mortality rate of children Still higher.

  And such a disease can be cured with penicillin.

  It was precisely because Mu Qiong knew how backward the medical treatment was at this time that he hoped that penicillin would come out earlier, and Fu Yun'an and Huo Ying were equally aware of all this.

  After reading the clinical data given to him by Fu Yun'an, Huo Ying already knew how precious this medicine was.

  When "Contagion" sold tens of thousands of copies and countless people were discussing Xilin, Huo Ying came to a certain hospital in Shanghai with several bottles of penicillin injection.

  He specifically asked Jiang Xinchun to investigate and learned that a missionary who brought his children to live in Shanghai, his youngest daughter had scarlet fever and was hospitalized here.

  Huo Ying originally wanted to save a few big shots from Britain and France, but recently no big shots from Britain and France need penicillin, only this little girl needs it...

  When Huo Ying came to the hospital, someone came up to inquire immediately. After he said the name of the missionary in English, the person brought him to the missionary.

  The missionary whose daughter had scarlet fever was named Smith, and his wife was a missionary like himself. They have jobs in Shanghai, but at the moment, neither of them is working.

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