Chapter 148

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  Up to now, "Wandering" has almost been written, and Mu Qiong plans to finish it as soon as possible.

  He wrote "Wandering Notes" because he saw the miserable lives of those wandering children, and it was to record this era.

  When he was in modern times, he read many books about the period of the Republic of China. Many of these books were very well written, but few of them wrote down the prices of goods and the living conditions of the people in this era in detail.

  And "Wandering" written by him is still such a work.

  Mu Qiong felt that the book "Wanderings" might become a must-read for future generations who study the history of the Republic of China.

  As for the new book after the end of "Wandering"... Mu Qiong plans to write about a young master of a silk family.

  Zheng Runze paid the manuscript fee in advance as usual.

  Mu Qiong took the manuscript fee and went to the editorial department of Education Monthly.

  Before he knew it, it had been a year since he traveled to this world.

  A year ago, he was poor, but today, a year later, he has a house and a lot of money around him.

  Of course, he was really busy this year.

  In her previous life, because of her poor health and short lifespan, Mu Qiong had always cherished her time, but even so, she had never had such a fulfilling life like this year.

  Everyone in the editorial department of Education Monthly is busy.

  Now this magazine has no shortage of manuscripts, and there are even quite a lot of manuscripts. After reading the submitted submissions, the general editors will select those that look good, and finally hand them over to Mu Qiong.

  Mu Qiong will read those manuscripts one by one, keep the ones that are suitable, and let people return the ones that are not suitable, and he will give some suggestions for those that are not suitable but well written, and let the other party submit their manuscripts elsewhere, or simply write them all Publish the book when it is finished.

  He reads quickly, and with no distractions like his phone, he finished this part of the work in just over an hour.

  Then, he took out the manuscript paper and began to write the ending of "Wandering".

  The life of Doudou in "Wandering Notes" is very wonderful.

  The season in the book has changed from summer to winter.

  The weather is getting colder and colder. In order to keep warm, Doudou sleeps in the garbage truck at night and hides under the chimney of the back kitchen of the hotel during the day to keep warm.

  He also followed others to dig through the trash can.

  Once, they found a bag of old clothes from a rich family.

  In order not to let others pick up their clothes and wear them, the throwers deliberately cut the clothes into pieces with scissors, but those beggars still snatched up the broken clothes, and no one wanted a lace dress for a little girl. .

  Although the dress is beautiful, it is not warm at all, because it is full of lace, it can't even be used as a dishcloth-it's too rough!

  Just such a skirt, or a skirt that was cut badly, was snatched by Doudou.

  He put it on the outside of the clothes first, but was mistaken for a girl. Then he thought about it and carefully removed the lace on it to sell.

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