Chapter 95- 96

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  Chapter 95

  When Mu Qiong went to Fu's house for dinner that time, he thought that the braised pork and braised duck were bought by the cook, but now he found that she cooked them by himself, so he was a little surprised.

  Fu's family is small, she normally doesn't need to cook too many dishes, why did they serve so many dishes that day not long after they passed by?

  Did Fu Yun'an say hello in advance, or did he prepare dinner in advance?

  What's more, in this era, due to the underdeveloped logistics, most people don't even know the ingredients, not to mention the seasoning, and there are very few people who are good at cooking and can cook many dishes. It's rare, and I don't know how Fu Yun'an invited him...

  Mu Qiong asked curiously: "Your cooking skills are really good, where did you learn it?"

  "I learned how to cook from my father when I was young." The cook smiled, then lowered her head and started to work, not intending to continue chatting with Mu Qiong.

  Mu Qiong didn't ask any more.

  The cook refused to let Mu Qiong and others do anything, so Mu Qiong went upstairs to his room.

  In the house he bought, three light bulbs were installed in total, one in the downstairs reception area, one in the study room, and one in the most spacious bedroom for the owner.

  Mu Qiong occupied the bedroom and moved his desk there, leaving the study room for Zhu Wanwan and Mu Changyu to study.

  In this way, everyone can study at night without interfering with each other.

  Now entering the room, Mu Qiong found out a few pieces of letter paper, and began to write a letter to Huo Ershao.

  These days, he has been thinking about the secret recipes he knows, but unfortunately, he already has the methods of making soap and glass that he knows at this time.

  Even other people's methods may be better than what he knows.

  Let's get more advanced... He, a liberal arts student who has never been to school, really doesn't understand.

  And these things, he said, are actually useless.

  Nowadays, there is a shortage of researchers in China, various machines, and even basic materials such as soda ash. Therefore, many things that already exist abroad cannot be produced domestically.

  Of course, they can open the most basic factories first to produce some basic industrial supplies, but foreign capitalists are not willing to build such factories in their countries.

  After all, China has built a screw factory, and it is very likely that their country will close down a screw factory.

  However, these years are definitely the best years. Western countries have been fighting wars in the past few years, and they can't take care of their countries for a while.

  After the war, they will try their best to make money from his country in order to restore their national strength!

  Not to mention anything else, let's just talk about medicine...Why is there such a fierce competition between Chinese and Western medicine? There are not many Western doctors in the whole country, why can they compete with Chinese medicine? It's not because Western medicine is backed by the capital support of large foreign pharmaceutical companies!

  At that time, there were no anti-dumping or other bills, and the tariffs were collected by foreigners. Therefore, foreign imported goods can often squeeze their local companies at low prices. It is ridiculous that some people in the Beiyang government, After receiving the money, they will help foreigners to harm their compatriots.

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