Chapter 129

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  At the end of the Qing Dynasty, there were many martial arts bodyguard bureaus, and the business was booming. At that time, when people went out to do business, they basically asked the bodyguard bureaus to escort them.

  Li Hongzhang, a very famous minister in the late Qing Dynasty, had the largest bodyguard bureau in Beijing to send people to protect his house, and he was also the backstage of that bodyguard bureau.

  At that time, the people in the Escort basically practiced martial arts. They knew the jargon of the Jianghu, had friendship with everyone, and were very powerful. If some people who were wanted by the government lived in the Escort after entering the city, the government could not even arrest them.

  Not only that, but people at this time respected martial arts very much, and there were many martial arts practitioners, and many martial arts masters appeared.

  For example, in Shanghai, there is a well-known martial arts master Huo Yuanjia. He became famous many years ago and opened a martial arts school to teach everyone Mizong Quan. Unfortunately, he passed away within a year.

  Apart from him, Huang Feihong, Ip Man, etc. also exist in reality, and at the same time, there are many martial arts masters who are not weaker than them in this era.

  Mu Qiong has learned about this period of history, and knows that those who practiced martial arts at this time did have certain skills.

  Of course, they are definitely not as miraculous as described in martial arts novels. At most, they can run faster than ordinary people, jump higher than ordinary people, have greater strength than ordinary people, and fight harder than ordinary people.

  It is precisely because they are not so magical that martial arts will decline when guns and ammunition appear.

  As for the Escort Bureau and the like... Ever since ships and trains helped merchants transport goods, the Escort Bureau, which was originally extremely prosperous, has rapidly declined.

  This is the early years of the Republic of China, and the Escort Bureau has not yet completely collapsed, but life is already very sad. In a few years, the largest Escort Bureaus in the country will close their doors one after another.

  Under such a general trend, the life of many martial arts practitioners is very difficult.

  Of course, the top wave of martial arts masters, or those martial arts practitioners from good families, their lives are still very good. The most miserable people today are those who were not born well, maybe they don't even know the words, and they practiced martial arts since they were young and have no other skills to make a living.

  Although these people have skills, they can't fight against those with guns in their hands, and they are especially good at eating. It is too difficult to get along well.

  When Mu Qiong was at Shouzhugan yesterday, he knew about the origins of Huang Weiwei and Yang Weiwei. He knew that they had serious teachers and their martial arts skills were not bad.

  After he crossed over, he had always paid attention to physical exercise because of his poor health in his previous life, but his physical fitness was just like that... Now seeing Guard Yang practicing martial arts, he suddenly had the idea of ​​practicing martial arts.

  He is not very good at studying, as long as he has some self-defense skills, besides practicing martial arts... Mu Qiong thought, it is best to buy a gun and bring it back with him.

  At this time, guns were not difficult to buy. The worst ones could be bought for fifty or sixty silver dollars, and the better ones could be bought for one hundred silver dollars.

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