Land Ho!!!

3 2 1

"Huh... so when they mean three worlds... they mean it."

"What the..."

Me and Ridi are talking among ourselves as our ship approaches the intended continent. People said the continent was made out of 3 bodies but none of them were expecting this kind of thing. In summary, the largest land mass is under the sea level so you could hardly see it, the second land mass is hovering above the first one and it is the one people usually refer to when talking about this continent since it's at the sea level, the third one is hovering far above the second one and it's the smallest.

"I thought people were drunk when they talked about this place... I guess they're not." Liro commented to himself. He had been brushing off people's description of this place since he thought it would require a ridiculous amount of mana to hold these land masses in place and also make sure the sea doesn't just fall on the first one.

"They weren't joking when they say that the continent looks like a reversed donut." Igo said to himself.

"Alright, let's prepare our stuff and submerge this ship. The sooner we go the sooner we find out the truth." Liro gets inside the ship which is soon followed by Igo and Ridi. "Com, prepare the wooden ship."


Considering that they've been doing this same routine a couple of times, It only took us 5 minutes to get their stuff ready and board the wooden ship that is now floating right next to the metal one. Once again, Liro regretted not being able to bring their metal one but he can't do anything about it since people would get suspicious about their true identities if they're coming with something that hasn't been invented yet.

"Com, submerged vessels until one hundred meters below sea level."

"Affirmative." The metal ship starts sinking after the robotic voice speaks out. It kept on sinking and sinking until none of it was above the water level. The metal ship will remain there forever until Liro calls it to surface again, which depending on this continent, could take months.

"You're on the rudder yet?" I asked as I let all the mast unroll themselves and then tie the rope tightly.

"Yeah." Ridi was already grabbing the rudder when the wooden ship began to move. "Liro, I haven't mastered this continent's writing system yet."

"Just go forward." The wooden ship moved forward like how Liro instructed. The number of ships increases the closer they're to the continent and the 3 of us find out why. The continent has its own sea but since its shape is a reverse donut, there are 4 bridges that connect the inner sea to the wider sea. These bridges are massive both in length and in width as 6 ships could travel down it length side by side with no problem. "We're going to need to pay the tolls."

"How much?"

"Depends on the size of the ship, what it is carrying, the owner of the ships, and etc." So how much would a wooden ship owned by 3 adventurer's cost? That still didn't answer any of the questions though... "I have the money with me so calm down." That money is also mine, you piece of shit!

We keep moving forward and forward and weirdly, the ships around us seem to be anchored. They're anchoring themselves in a way so that there would still be a huge straight 'road' to the front of the bridges.

"Why are they stopping?" I try to look at one of the ships that anchored beside us.

"Counting their money if I have to guess." Ridi kept steering the ship forward and soon enough, we were right in front of a toll booth. Something so small is stopping our big ship from moving forward, this is bizarre. "Where should we pay the money?"

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