Philip/Belos x Reader

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Thanks @BelosHusbandandtheog for the request!

"You've seemed stressed lately, are you alright?"  Philip didn't even bother looking over his shoulder at me as he walked ahead.  I rolled my eyes, falling into step beside him as I glanced sidelong at him.  He looked exhausted and annoyed, a typical look he's worn for the past few days.  I've been trying to get him to open up to me considering we only had each other but he seemed adamant on his edgy silence. 

"I've told you a million times before I am fine," he grumbled, his eyes trained ahead.  It was almost childish that he was ignoring my attempts to get him to open up.  It's not like he's the only one who's been feeling lost and annoyed.  I missed the human realm as well.  I missed my old family.  I loved Philip of course and would follow him to the ends of this world but I needed him to talk to me about these things.

"Why won't you just tell me that something is wrong?  We're friends and I'd understand," I pointed out seriously with a frown.  He glanced at me with a look of irritation as he picked up his pace.  So he was clearly settling on being a pain and having me chase him.  I wasn't really in the mood for it though as I hung back and watched him walk ahead.  Maybe he just needed some time to himself. 

I watched him walk on the trail ahead until he was a decent ways away.  I figured he'd be fine as I took my time to just look around in the silence.  The trees weren't that different from the ones back in the human realm.  If I closed my eyes for a moment, the rustling leaves sounded the same. 

I decided to stop and just breathe in the air.  I missed home.  I missed Philip being so carefree and excited for the world around him.  But I also changed too.  I guess we were both beaten down here even with all the surprises and danger around every corner.  It was exhausting. 

The sound of snapping twigs made my eyes snap back open as I looked around, my hand moving to the sheath at my hip.  I felt the burn of eyes on me but I couldn't tell where it was coming from.  I was almost tempted to call out Philip's name but I knew that whatever was watching me in the shadows of the trees wasn't him.  He wouldn't try to scare me like this. 

When I saw movement out of the corner of my eye, my instincts shot into action.  I swung my sword in the direction without a second thought.  Whatever was standing there ducked quickly.  I barely had time to register that I was looking at a witch before a bright light shot towards me, striking my shoulder as I cried out at the pain that bloomed there. 

My knees buckled, my body collapsing in the dirt from the dizziness of the pain that was spreading across my torso.  The witch had already run away as I lay there, clutching my shoulder with a hiss.  My vision was growing blurry quickly.

It felt like hours had passed but it couldn't have been anything more than a couple of minutes when I was vaguely aware of rushed footsteps and someone calling out my name.  Firm hands clutched my body, trying to hoist me up as I cried out at the throbbing sensation that was making my blood rush in my head.  Everything felt like it was on fire.  My head went limp against whoever was now holding me, my eyes closing as sleep washed over me and numbed my pain.  "Y/n!...y/n...".


My whole body throbbed when I woke up, my shoulder a burning wound that I wanted to dig my fingers into just to make it stop.  Luckily, I didn't have much strength to tear at the injury as I groaned in pain and exhaustion.  I was half aware of being on something soft, a light flickering past my closed eyelids.  I heard the crackling of flames and felt the warmth of what must've been a fire against my body.

"Y/n, are you okay?  Where does it hurt?" a familiar, soothing voice gently called out right above me.  My eyelids slowly opened, blinking to try to clear the sleep from my vision as Philip's face came into view from where he sat beside me.  I laughed but the sound was more pitiful than I had hoped it would be.

I could see the instant Philip started to break.  He squeezed his eyes shut, his hands moving to his hair to tug on it.  I watched his tears fall as his chest rose and fell quickly.  It's been a while since his last breakdown.  I suppose he was due for one along with whatever scare I must've given him as he sobbed with clenched teeth. 

"I swear to god, I'll kill them.  I'll kill them for hurting you," he seethed, his tears of pure anger and fury as he glared at the ground.  I could tell he was starting to lose himself as he muttered all sorts of horrifying promises.  It was like everything else was melting away.  I knew I had to pull him out of this anger induced trance. 

My hands reached out for him tenderly, firmly grabbing his shoulders as I used whatever strength I had to pull him down to me.  He practically collapsed on me as he trembled and shook.  He didn't dare try to untangle from my embrace though as his arms wrapped around my body as well.  I just held him, there was no use for words when I gently rubbed his back and felt his breathing slow down.  His panic was ebbing right before my eyes until he seemed mostly calm, his head on my chest with a far off look in his exhausted stare. 

"I'm alright Philip.  Everything will be alright," I whispered, placing a kiss to the top of his head.  He shivered but this time it wasn't from anger as he turned his eyes to me.  My hand moved to gently wipe his tears away as he leaned into the gesture.  The light of his fury was still there, barely contained and raging just behind his clenched teeth. 

"I'll make them pay for this.  For everything that they have done," he hissed, the sound menacing.  I absentmindedly twirled part of his hair around my finger as I sighed.  We were witch hunters of course.  Even if we were outsiders in their own territory and I couldn't fight my own anger from being struck.  But the difference between the two of us was that I knew I had struck first.  That I had scared the witch into her actions. 

But for Philip, he didn't care.  Existing was a sin in his eyes and there was nothing I could do but hold him as he formulated a plan before declaring his new name. 

"Only you may call me Philip.  But the witches will know me as Belos...and I will become their emperor and their ruining."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2023 ⏰

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