Hunter x Reader (Part 1)

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Thanks @drewdapoet for the request!

"I've heard they're total freaks.  They act like aliens from another planet."  Shaking my head at my coworker's attitude, I tried to focus on my task at hand without their negative outlook bringing me or anyone else down.  They usually loved to gossip and talk about whatever was stirring up recently.  Apparently the new buzz was a group of kids that Ms. Noceda was caring for. 

"They're probably exchange students.  You don't need to be treating them any differently than anyone else.  If anything, they're all probably nervous about being in a new place," I offered, flipping over a book to scan the side of it before placing it onto the shelf.  My coworker sighed, leaning against the bookshelf without helping in any way.  I was used to their flippant work ethic but it was still unfortunate that they filled up their free time with other people's business. 

"One of them flinched when it started sprinkling.  They screamed when they saw a giraffe.  They're hanging out with Luz Noceda for heaven's sake," my coworker scoffed, rolling their eyes.  I couldn't stand it much longer as I shoved the remaining books I was carrying into their empty arms.  They grunted at the impact but I only smiled back as kindly as I could.  I wasn't the type to show my anger but I could tell my coworker was feeling my intensity as they frowned at me before turning away to leave me alone. 

Once they were gone to shelf the other library books, I sighed to calm myself down.  I couldn't stand when someone put others down.  It wasn't fair to judge these new people based on rumors and hearsay.  Camila and Luz were kind people as well who didn't deserve to be looked down upon by stuck up jerks like my coworker.  I wasn't going to stand by and listen to it any longer. 

The ring of the library door caught my attention, shaking me from my thoughts.  Running a hand through my hair to calm myself down, I stepped out of the aisle to see familiar strangers standing nervously at the front desk.  I anxiously looked over my shoulder for my coworker but they were nowhere to be found.  They were most likely in the back office scrolling through their phone again or napping.  It was better this way anyways.  I didn't want them anywhere near the newcomers. 

"Hello!  Welcome to the library!  I'm y/n.  Is there anything I can help you with?" I cheerfully smiled, making my way behind the desk to get a good look at the group.  With just a glance, I didn't spot Luz with them.  There was a pink haired girl that seemed to be guiding everyone and that exuded leadership qualities.  I looked between all of them, waving at the other girl with braids and smiling at the smallest of the group.  He perked up, averting his eyes shyly. 

"I don't think we need assistance yet but thank you.  We're just taking a look around," the leading girl nodded, smiling before she led the group away.  There was one of them that lingered for a moment though, his eyes staring at me intensely.  He was cute to say the least, handsome in a ruffled sort of way.  The slight blush across his face was also adorable, accentuating a scar on his cheek. 

"You alright there?" I questioned with a curious tilt to my head.  He seemed to tense up before he let out what sounded like a panicked squeak.  I was almost worried he was having a seizure but as I moved around the desk to check on him, his eyes widened and he started to run towards his friends.  It left me surprised and confused but I decided to brush it off, even as a few butterflies in my stomach lingered.


Hunter POV

"Did you see that Gus!  He talked to me!" I whispered in excitement, feeling my whole body buzzing.  I knew we were here for something else entirely but I couldn't help the way y/n seemed to be the only one on my mind.  I've never seen someone so pretty in either of these two worlds and he happened to talk to me.  I wasn't quite sure what he had said because I was caught off guard but his voice sounded amazing. 

"Maybe next time talk back before you run away.  You kinda left him hanging," Gus pointed out, glancing over his shoulder where y/n was across the room organizing some books on a shelf.  He lifted his head as if knowing someone was looking at him and when his eyes met mine, I thought I was going to swoon.  Y/n smiled warmly, waving at Gus and me. 

"Go on Hunter, wave back," Gus prompted.  Trembling, I raised my hand to wave at the handsome librarian.  It could've been just me and my delusion but I could've sworn his smile widened.  I felt my heart race in my chest as I ended up having to lean on Gus with my knees weak.  Y/n seemed to chuckle to himself before he turned back to his job.  I had to take a few minutes to compose myself before I pulled my gaze away from y/n to look at Gus with excitement. 

"Did you see—!" 

"Yes I saw it, Hunter, and I think you should go try to talk to him.  He seems nice," Gus smiled at me, shouldering me and causing me to take a step in y/n's direction.  The idea of walking up to him was both terrifying and amazing.  But what was the worst thing that could happen?  He did seem nice and like a fun person to talk to.  I might as well enjoy myself while I was here anyways. 

Puffing up my chest and holding my breath, I gave Gus a confident nod before I made my way over to y/n who now looked up to watch me.  His eyes practically sparkled with curiosity, my face burning up with the attention he was giving me just with a stare.  Now that I was standing in front of him, I wasn't even sure what to say to him without coming off desperate or weird.  This was a mistake. 

"Are you always this nervous?  It's kinda cute," y/n smiled at me, chuckling softly.  My blush exploded across my face and down my neck as I stammered helplessly.  He wasn't supposed to be the one complimenting me like this.  It was making me a mess and made me malfunction in a way I've never felt before.  I usually had things under my control but like most things recently, I couldn't seem to manage this situation. 

"No, I'm Hunter," I managed to mumble out, instantly regretting my words.  Why was he making me so stupid?  Why was I so sweaty and panicked?  Out of everything I've been through, that I've seen, how was this handsome human making me nervous?  When he laughed again, I felt myself become both embarrassed and awestruck. 

"Oh yeah, you're a keeper for sure," he politely brought a hand up to his mouth to smother his chuckles.  I couldn't help smiling back a bit bashfully, unsure what to say or do now.  Luckily for me, y/n seemed busy as he pulled out a spare piece of paper and a pen while proceeding to write something down.  Maybe he was sending me a subtle sign that he was preoccupied with his work.  When he handed me the paper though, I felt my heart skip a beat. 

"Here's my number.  I think you're really adorable and if you ever want to talk or go out sometime I'm free every day after five.  I've got my lunch break now but it was nice meeting you Hunter," he whispered as if this was a secret between the two of us.  He gently grasped my hand to place the paper in my palm, his fingers smooth and warm.  I couldn't stop staring at him even as he winked at me before walking away, leaving me clutching the paper with the strange number I didn't understand.

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