Hunter x Reader

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Laying on my side, my mind wandered lazily as the night wore on.  I felt tired but I couldn't manage to fall asleep.  It seemed to be one of those nights where comfort wasn't promised till morning. 
An irritated groan muffled through my pillow.  I quietly debated whether or not to try sleeping on the couch downstairs but I didn't want to risk waking up anyone else.  Luz and Eda needed their sleep after back to back eventful days and I wasn't about to deal with a grumpy King or overly eager Hooty. 
I flipped onto my back, my hands coming together to rest on my chest but it didn't make me any more comfortable than before.  Kicking my blanket off angrily, I sat up on the edge of the bed.  My head fell in my hands in surrender to sleeplessness, a long night ahead of me. 
This gave me too much time to think, my thoughts spiraling from worry over the Day of Unity to fear of the protection of Luz to hatred for Belos, landing to my own low probability of survival.  I didn't have much to offer.  There were so few ways for me to protect the people I care for and it made me feel helpless and rather useless in general.  A frown tugged at my lips in frustration. 
A loud clatter shook me from my trance, my head swiveling to my window.  I didn't move at first, only watching as another small pebble bounced off the glass pane.  Curiosity sparked in my mind as I rose to walk to the cause of the welcome disturbance.  I carefully opened the window, making sure not to get hit if there were any more flying pebbles. 
"Y/n!" a familiar whisper shouted.  My mood instantly lifted as I leaned out the window to stare down at the dark ground.  There stood Hunter with a small smile, bathed in moonlight.  He waved up at me and I returned the gesture with joy. 
"What are you doing here?" I whispered down at him incredulously.  He urged me to come down with his arms waving.  I noticed a crimson bird flutter up to land beside me.  Flapjack chirped cheerily at me as I pet his feathers affectionately.  "I'll be right down," I called down before retreating into my room to grab a coat. 
Quickly preparing for a night out, I returned to the window.  Flapjack gave me a small nod as he turned into a staff in my hands, a smile across my face.  I slid onto the staff and jumped out the window, reveling in the slight breeze as I descended to the ground.  Hunter reached out to catch me before I jumped off, his hands grasping my arms firmly. 
"Why weren't you sleeping?" he questioned, still holding me close.  Flapjack shifted back into a bird, nestling on Hunter's shoulder and staring at me as if he wanted an answer to the question as well.  I gave both of them a skeptical look. 
"Why aren't you sleeping and why are you here?" I shot back.  He raised an eyebrow, his hold on me loosening to my disappointment. 
"One, that's fair.  Two, I found something that I couldn't wait to show you," he stated excitedly.  His hand interlaced with mine making me slightly swoon though he didn't see it.  He tugged me along by his side without any hesitation. 
We've hung out quite a bit recently, we met at Hexside on Club Day and became nearly inseparable after his incident inside Belos' mind.  The truth was I may have a decent amount of admiration for the former Golden Guard but I didn't know how to say it.  With everything going down around us there was never a good moment to confess.  Maybe I could work up the nerve to say something tonight.  After all, we might not have much time left if we didn't stop the Day of Unity. 
"Why weren't you sleeping?" he asked me as he guided us towards the forest, our hands still connected thankfully.  Our shoulders brushed momentarily, making me tense in surprise.  My mind seemed hyper aware of how close we were. 
"It's just one of those nights I guess," I mumbled quietly, not wanting to break the pleasant atmosphere around us.  He glanced towards me, orchid eyes tinted with worry.  "It's nothing bad, it just happens sometimes y'know?"  He nodded before turning his attention back to the path we walked down.  I wasn't sure where we were going but I was silently hoping it would be just us on this night adventure, and of course Flapjack as well. 
"I couldn't stop thinking about the Day of Unity," Hunter whispered softly.  I looked at him with a tilt of my head, urging him to continue.  "If something happens...I want to have this night to enjoy before everything falls apart." 
Despite his sad tone, a small smile pulled at his lips.  He didn't look at me, seemingly lost in his thoughts.  "Hunter I—". 
"We're here," he declared as we came to a stop.  My mouth snapped shut in slight embarrassment.  I guess now isn't the time either.  I looked at what Hunter had guided me here for, a beautiful moonlit meadow surrounded by tall trees that shivered in the breeze.  It was breathtakingly gorgeous.  Hunter squeezed my hand making heat creep into my face.  It almost looked romantic.  The thought made me flustered but I tried to disguise it as I was pulled towards the middle of the field. 
"This place is absolutely wonderful, Hunter," I sighed happily.  I turned to look at him to find him already staring at me.  His eyes looked bright and his mouth was open in wonder, his tooth gap slightly visible.  I began to feel self-conscious of the attention.  "What's wrong?" 
"You're breathtaking," he mumbled.  My face erupted in heat as my hands shot up to try to cover my face in embarrassment.  Hunter immediately snapped out of it, concern flashing across his face and his hands coming up like he wanted to help.  "I'm so sorry, was that too much?  Did I make you uncomfortable?" he rambled with a blush.  I shook my head, not being able to stop the gushing smile spreading across my face. 
"Oh my gosh, no you're fine!  I just wasn't expecting it," I assured with a wavering voice.  He sighed in relief, pink still dusting his face.  "I don't think anyone's ever said something like that to me," I whispered softly.  My hands fell away from my face, though the burning sensation still lingered. 
Maybe this was the moment.  This was such a beautiful place to confess but did I have the guts to do it?  He already called me breathtaking but what if I was reading the signs wrong?  Flapjack interrupted my thoughts with an excited chirp before flying off to rest on a nearby branch. 
"Why did he move?" I asked before turning back to Hunter.  He rubbed the back of his neck nervously with an anxious smile on his face.  His fidgety movement made me excited and restless.  His pink eyes locked with mine and I could've sworn stars danced between us. 
"He wanted to give me space because there was something I've been wanting to say to you," he hesitated.  He inhaled deeply before stepping closer to me and taking my trembling hands in his gently.  "I know it hasn't been too long but you make me feel cared for and I feel wanted when I'm with you.  I've been trying to figure out what these fluttery feelings were and Luz said that that's the feeling of admiration.  I don't understand it too well but I know I like you," he stated with a small smile.  My breath caught in my throat at what he was implying.  I must've been too caught up in my own feelings to notice his.  "We might not have much more time but would you want to spend it with me?" 
I released his hands to wrap my arms around his neck happily.  I rested my head next to his, his hair tickling my nose and my heart soaring higher than the trees.  I felt him hesitate only a moment before his arms wound around my middle to pull me closer. 
"I'd love to Hunter," I whispered into his shoulder.  We held each other in a tight hold that felt inseparable, our heartbeats thumping wildly against each other.  I didn't want to ever let go.  This night felt like it would last forever and yet feel so short by the end of it.

Owl House x Male Reader OneshotsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin