Eda x Reader

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Altered from alternate request

There was something about the Owl House that always comforted me even on my worst days.  If anxiety or depression ever sneaked up on me to drag me back into that swirling abyss I knew all too well, I would instantly feel drawn to the place.  There were of course times where I didn't have the energy or mental capacity to force myself into someone else's home but the few times I did manage to knock on the front door, Hooty had let me in without any questions. 

It wasn't just the space that calmed me, of course.  If anything, it was the kind people on the inside that created the heart of the Owl House that kept me happy and feeling safe when nowhere else seems pleasant.  Between Luz who could make any situation light hearted to King who was a great comfort cuddler, Hooty who always brought a smile to my face and of course Eda the Owl Lady, I was often cheered up.  She could brighten my whole day with a flick of her wrist and a playful smile. 

Today seemed to be another one of those days where I felt a bit more stressed and required a bit of magic.  My old position at the potions store had put me in the unfortunate situation of having to find a new job due to an accident concerning my clumsiness that led to a knocked over shelf.  I was not only in debt now but also without a job to pay it off as well.  It felt like all too much for me to handle at once and so, without even thinking of where I was going, I ended up on Eda's front step yet again. 

"Heeyyy, hoot hoot!  Look at this y/n," Hooty called out from the door, curling his tube shaped body into a heart shape.  Besides looking kinda painful and a bit disturbing, it was a sweet gesture that brought a small smile to my face.  I reached out to pet Hooty's head affectionately, hearing him make a noise that was close to a purr.  I wasn't even sure owls were capable of making those sounds but I also knew Hooty was an exception for most things. 

"That was beautiful, Hooty.  Just don't strain yourself," I chuckled softly, placing a small kiss to his forehead.  He made a cooing sound as his face turned pink.  He withdrew back into the door bashfully, making me already feel a bit better before I reached out to the doorknob.  It still felt strange just walking into someone's house without invitation so I had to remind myself that Eda had told me to stop by whenever, even without warning.  I still decided to knock on the door though before I let myself in. 

"Eda!  I'm letting myself in!" I called out as I shut the door behind me.  Glancing around the living room, I didn't spot anyone hanging around.  For a house that usually had a decent amount of visitors, it was a little unsettling with the lack of people.  There was no response to my knocking and shouting either.  Perhaps they were out and now wasn't the best time to be over. 

"Y/n!  Kiddo, what's going on with you?" a familiar voice called out cheerfully.  My head swiveled to stare at the witch who walked from the kitchen, her hair a beautiful mess and her gold tooth glinting in the light.  I felt my whole body relax its tension, my eyes watering at just the sight of her.  Eda noticed my expression, her gaze softening as she beckoned me over to sit on the couch. 

"I still can't believe you call me kiddo.  I'm not that many years younger than you, you know," I sniffled, clenching my fists in my lap once I had sat down by her side.  I couldn't even look at her as she tried to peer at me.  It felt nice just to be sitting here though.  It felt possible to truly forget all my troubles if I could just manage to disappear into the couch here.  This would be a nice place to merge with for eternity. 

"I know but it's fun.  What's going on with you though?  I can tell you're down about something," she whispered encouragingly, her hand resting on my shoulder.  The comforting gesture was definitely welcome and helped me gather my thoughts.  She easily became my tether to this world as my head tried to pull me away.  It couldn't seem to drown me here though, no matter how hard it tried.  In here, I could finally breathe. 

"I lost my job and now I'm in debt.  On top of everything, it just feels like a lot and I figured I could try to calm myself down here.  There's just something about this place that puts me at ease," I mumbled through a relaxing sigh, allowing myself to slide back further onto the couch.  Eda didn't bother hiding her chuckle, her hand patting my shoulder in what felt like agreement.  I allowed my stare to find hers as she smiled fondly at me. 

"Well I have no trouble letting you stay here for as long as you like until you find a new job.  You're kind and sweet and I would have no trouble with you crashing here.  I doubt Luz and King will mind either," she assured me with a thumbs up.  This time when my tears welled up, they overflowed down my face in thankful waves.  I couldn't help myself from leaning forward as Eda scooped me into her arms, almost cradling me soothingly as I thanked her profusely. 

"Hey stop the crying kiddo.  You're getting my dress all wet.  Once you stop the waterworks, Luz and King made cookies in the kitchen," Eda stated, helping me stand on my shaky legs.  I rubbed at my eyes with an uncontrollable smile, letting Eda guide me to the kitchen where a glorious smell wafted from.  I felt my mouth water and my stomach growl, feeling brighter even in the face of an unfortunate circumstance.  I could almost forget all my troubles with Eda holding my hand in hers.

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