Edric x Reader

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I quickly ran through the street in a hurry, my arms full of books and papers I desperately hoped weren't flying away as I sprinted.  It wasn't my fault for being this late, the poor palisman had been looking for their witch and I had to help.  Along the way I also apparently became part of something called a "bad girl coven" but that was beside the point. 
My feet began to ache with every hurried step, the library finally coming into my view.  Maybe the librarian will be in a good mood.  I didn't hold my breath though, even if he was in a good mood I promised to bring the documents back early in the morning and it was now nearing noon. 
Panic seeped into my brain at the mere idea of being fired.  I liked this job and it gave me access to all kinds of texts and ancient information that was blocked from most other people.  If I lost that now I wasn't sure what I would do.  What was I supposed to spend my days doing?  I didn't have very many friends or the confidence to make any new ones.  Books were easier to understand and, frankly, a lot more entertaining. 
I reached the steps of the library, running up two at a time and trying my best not to wheeze.  As I rounded the nearby column a flash of green came up in front of me and before I knew it I was on the ground holding my head in pain as my papers scattered along the ground.  Someone groaned in harmony with me, my eyes squinting to see a blurry figure sprawled on the ground with our legs overlapping. 
Once my vision cleared I immediately wished I had just chosen to walk and be extra late because there was no way I had managed to collide with Edric Blight; my luck couldn't be that bad could it?  Turns out it could as I watched in horror as the green haired twin rubbed his forehead with his eyes squeezed shut.  Papers fluttered along the ground, my books overturned in ruined piles that would have the librarian crying in mourning.  I pulled my legs away, propping myself on my knees to lean towards the Blight. 
"I'm so so sorry.  I didn't see you and I was in a rush but—you're bleeding!" I stated in shock and worry.  I felt myself blanch at the red liquid smeared across his forehead and hand.  He paused his rubbing to stare at me with golden eyes wide in recognition. 
"It's you!"  He sat up, ignoring his injury to point at me.  "You're always at the library in the research aisles."  It was true but that didn't stop me from being surprised that he had taken notice of me.  I've seen him around as well, usually with his sisters but we never talked or even acknowledged each other. 
"We need to get you inside and patch up your face.  Gosh I'm sorry," I apologized again.  Edric tilted his head slightly, his eyes catching on his crimson colored hand as if he hadn't noticed until now that he was bleeding.  He glanced at the scattered mess around us, reaching out with his clean hand to try to gather the papers. 
"It wasn't just your fault, I wasn't looking where I was going," Edric offered, his attention focused on collecting the mess.  I stretched to grab my books and place them in a neat pile, my hand reaching out to stop Edric from cleaning up my mistake.  He looked at me in surprise and I tried to ignore the way his stare made heat creep up my neck. 
"We need to get you inside before your injury gets infected," I explained, scooping my pile of documents under one arm and extending my other hand to Edric.  He nodded before taking my hand as I pulled him to his feet. 
My fear of being fired was pushed aside when we entered through the doors of the library, my fingers still intertwined with Edric's as I pulled him behind me.  I made sure to make a quick stop by the front counter to drop off the documents, heading straight for the back corner of the library right after.  It was a more private area I discovered a while back away from other people. 
Conveniently, there was a first aid kit located on a nearby shelf that I grabbed, turning to face the quiet Blight twin.  He sat atop one of the study tables without a care in the world, his head in his clean hand as he watched me pull out a bandage, towel and ointment.  His golden eyes tracked my every movement, his silence a little unnerving. 
"Are you alright?" I asked hesitantly, squeezing out some of the medicine onto a cotton swab.  My hand trembled slightly as I gently applied the ointment onto the scratch on his face, making sure not to press too hard.  He winced slightly, a quiet apology leaving my lips.  His hands went to work on cleaning the blood off his fingers.
"I'm fine honestly, though I don't mind the attention," he stated with a wink and a smile.  Something fluttered in my stomach but I chose to ignore it, trying desperately to keep my face neutral.  Edric leaned forward towards me, myself becoming hyper aware of the lack of distance between us.  I couldn't recall a time I was this close to someone and I wasn't sure if I hated it or not. 
"Are you alright?  You look a little nervous man," he smirked.  I frowned at his teasing.  He knew exactly why I was anxious, the sly bastard.  A small chuckle slid past his lips, my muscles tensing at the inviting sound.  His golden eyes locked with mine in a meaningful stare that sent shivers down my spine.  "You're kinda cute," he mumbled with a tilt of his head. 
A cough caught in my throat at his forwardness, my brain not sure if I heard him right but that flirtatious look on his face definitely didn't look like a lie.  I decided to ignore him for now as I reached for the bandage on the table, a hand laying on top of mine to stop me. 
"Just let me finish this please.  I'm already in trouble with the librarian and I need to make this up to you so I can continue my day without an overly guilty conscience," I pleaded.  His smirk shifted to a soft smile that made me even more flustered.  He gently moved my hand to be encased in both of his, guiding it to rest in between us. 
"I've seen you around here every day and I've been meaning to ask if we could hang out but you always looked comfortable by yourself.  I didn't want to ruin it," he explained with a hopeful look.  "Do you think that I have a chance to take you out tonight...as friends if you're comfortable with that?" 
My face erupted in heat at his offer, my hand beginning to sweat in his.  This was definitely sudden and I didn't know him too well which didn't swing in his favor.  However he did offer to hang out as friends instead....  I withdrew my hand from his to grab the bandage, his expression falling at my lack of response.  I peeled away the plastic, carefully sticking the bandage to his forehead. 
"I think I'm free tomorrow if you are," I mumbled shyly.  His face broke out into a large smile, his golden eyes practically shimmering.  He slid off the table, raising his hand for an ecstatic high five that I reciprocated in a flustered daze. 
"I'll pick you up here tomorrow then!" he stated excitedly.  I gave him a wave as he turned to walk away, his head looking over his shoulder momentarily.  "Also, I owe you one for bumping into you." 
Once he turned around the bookshelf I allowed myself to breathe normally, the adrenaline of what occurred thrumming through my body.  I gave a victorious fist bump in the air at my score though my win didn't last long as I turned to meet the librarian's glare.  "Aw, shoot."

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