Caleb x Reader

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"Slow down, I can't keep up!"  The younger boy's shout didn't slow us down though as we jumped over logs and clattered over stray pebbles on our way through the thick of the forest, bright smiles on our faces though our masks hid them from view.  My lungs constricted but I didn't mind the burn as I did my best to fall in step with Caleb despite Philip's pleas from behind us. 
"You two are so mean!" he panted behind us, shouting out as his voice wobbled.  I couldn't help it any longer as I was overcome with giggles, my spare hand snatching the back of Caleb's shirt to pull him to a stop as I halted.  He abruptly dug his feet into the ground, causing me to crash into his back and swiping us both off our feet into the dirt. 
Clutching my sides, I laughed and panted in pain.  My head was dizzy from all the exercise, my eyes squinting shut to block out the sunlight filtering in through the leaves of the trees high above.  Caleb sat up instantly, clearly not tired as he tackled me back onto the ground, knocking both of our masks off.  I let out small yelps each time he rolled us before erupting into more giggles to which he would chuckle in response.  My hands desperately reached out to stop his attacks, firmly pushing against his chest but his fingers only gripped my wrists. 
"I win again," he breathed out, panting.  I rolled my eyes before kicking my foot low to attempt to sweep him off his knees but he only smirked at me without budging.  Pouting, I stuck my tongue out at him and the audacity he had to be stronger than me.  One day when we are older, I swear I'll be able to win. 
"You always leave me behind," Philip suddenly shouted with a stamp of his foot, breaking the strange trance that I had found myself in.  Blinking rapidly, I shook my head to try to clear away the look that had been on Caleb's face before wiggling out of his grasp.  Philip frowned at me as I approached him with my arms wide for a hug, his mask in his clenched fist by his side.  I heard Caleb scoff behind me, still sitting in the dirt to watch me make amends with his brother. 
"Tell you what.  When we get back to the hideout, you can pick one of my river rocks to keep," I soothed with a warm smile.  He instantly perked up, eyes bright with anticipation.  Without any hesitation, he turned away to tromp through the forest up the path where our hideout rested not far from here.  Silence filled the space where the small boy had been as I turned back to find that Caleb was already staring at me. 
"What is that look for?" I asked with a small smirk, crossing my arms.  He shrugged, averting his eyes.  A strange sensation curled in my chest as I noticed his face darkening with a blush.  I recognized the expression, the same look he held for a young woman once though he never had the courage to say anything to her at the time.  I was strangely thankful he hadn't said anything to her back then but I never understood why. 
"I haven't the faintest idea what you mean," he mumbled bashfully.  I felt my own face warm as I stepped forward to retrieve my mask that still lay in the dirt where we had tumbled merely moments before this awkwardness had filled up the space.  When I reached near Caleb to grab the wooden piece, his hand found my wrist.  His touch was gentle and sweet, something I've never felt as he merely held my wrist. 
"What are you doing?  Are you alright?" I asked in concern.  His behavior has been strange lately but I haven't thought too much about it.  Sometimes he did inexplicable things but this was different.  Without Philip here to ease the tension, I was left to find out what might be happening between us if there was something at all. 
"Don't you think we're too old to be running through the forest like a couple of kids?  Shouldn't we be focused on other things?" he mumbled, eyes not meeting mine as I cocked my head in curiosity.  It was true that we weren't children anymore but what could we do?  We already had small jobs to receive some food and we were usually busy taking care of Philip to worry about anything else so what was left to do? 
"What else is there?  Haven't we done enough so far?" I questioned, not sure where this conversation was going anymore.  When his eyes finally met mine, I felt my face erupt in heat.  His stare was intense with a million thoughts and emotions pouring into his expression.  He wanted me to understand something but I was too scared to say any guesses out loud. 
"Don't you want...a partner of sorts?  Someone to fall in love with?  Lots of people our age are already married but has anyone caught your affection yet?" he whispered.  I couldn't do much but shake my head at the silliness of it all.  Who else would I be courting when all I do is stay by his side?  Chuckling softly, I couldn't even entertain the thought of someone else drawing my attention. 
"All I want is a life with you," I smiled.  Caleb blushed brighter before I realized how the phrasing had sounded.  Stammering now, I panicked at the possible misunderstanding...despite it being the truth.  "I mean, I want to stay with you and Philip!  The two of you, both...together!" 
"I want a life with you too," Caleb softly declared, putting an end to my nervous rambling.  Without another word, and before I could explode with how flustered I was, Caleb pulled me gently down to him to sit across his lap.  My hands moved to hide my burning face in embarrassment.  His quiet chuckle filled my ears as he wrapped his arms around me securely. 
Something warm and soft brushed past the back of my hand covering my face as I gasped.  Caleb's fingers pulled my hands away so he could peer at me with those beautiful eyes of his.  He was close and I realized that he had just placed a kiss on the back of my hand. 
He didn't plan on stopping there as he leaned closer, my eyes squinting shut in anticipation as he kissed me.  Gentle and slow, the kiss was sweet and sent a fire ablaze in my chest.  It was something I never knew I needed and yet I could never imagine living without it now.  My hands carefully ran through his hair as he pulled away to smile at me before kissing me again.

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