Open the Vault

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"And...that's done."

Remote dusted off her hands as she came down the stairs, where Liy had been sitting patiently next to the potted plant waiting for her to finish dumping the bodies into the dumpsters. "Good," she said, standing up. "Five down, five to go. Thankfully, the one that came from the basement was the lower cam guard. I did some scouting with his keycard and, yeah, there's one in front of the vault door and two roaming around. We don't have to worry about the cameras anymore, so we just need to wait until the roaming guards are out of the vault room before knocking them out. Then we just knock out the vault guard, go up, and take care of the upper operator and the manager's office guard, and the bank is our oyster."

"Sounds good," Remote said as Liy swiped the keycard. "Let's get to it."

Clearing the basement was a breeze, as they had been lucky enough to find both roaming guards exiting the vault room just as they entered. Once they had bagged them, all they had to do was approach the vault guard with their guns out and knock her out before bagging her as well and stuffing the three guards into a random locker in the nearby locker room.

When they made their way up to the second floor, however, they both spotted a problem. Not wanting to look suspicious, they casually turned around and made their way back down to the basement stairwell before Liy commented on it. "What is with all these damn sensors?!" she whispered furiously.

"I don't know," Remote shrugged. "Should we get Pie to bypass them?"

Liy thought for a moment before shaking her head. "No, I don't think so. You saw that big red button in the lower camera room, right? I think those sensors are only wired to alert the camera operators, not everyone in the building. Since we already took care of one of the operators, if we pick the lock into the upper room and neutralize the operator before they get a chance to hit the panic button, we should be fine."

"And the office guard?"

"Really? Come on, they'll be the last one. You'll figure something out."

The girls nodded to each other one more time before heading back up the stairs and onto the second floor. They hid behind a cubicle divider near the cam room door, and Liy got to work reaching over to pick the lock while Remote peeked around the divider to make sure the camera couldn't see too much of her. Just as Remote began contemplating telling Liy to back off in case the operator had been watching her, they both heard the door click and didn't waste any time getting inside.

"Touch that button, and it'll be the last thing you do," Liy sharply threatened in a loud whisper, pointing their gun at the face of the operator who was already leaning across their desk with an outstretched hand. Remote quickly filed in after her and shut the door before any of the employees caught them. The operator had frozen in shock after seeing the girls' guns, but that window was all Liy needed; she yanked the guard up by the collar and threw them onto the floor on the opposite side of the room, well away from the button. "Scream, and it'll be the last thing anyone hears from you, too."

"I'll hack these cams, same as I did downstairs," Remote told her, holstering her gun and walking up to the security station.

Liy nodded before turning back to the guard, who had their arms raised fearfully. She bent down and grabbed their gun and walkie-talkie, tossing them across the room. "You stay right there," she threatened, not wanting them to inch any closer to the large floor-to-ceiling glass window opposite their door.

"O-okay," they nodded.

"'s about you tell us something a couple of girls like us might want to know?" she asked. "We know you've got a safe somewhere in this bank. Why don't you tell us where it is and how to get in, my friend? We'll pay you."

Mischievous FunctionHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin