Full Winter Jacket

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"All right, everyone, listen up," MePad called as the students all filed into the lobby. Some had been up at the café eating breakfast, some had been exploring the hotel, and some had just woken up looking like a bomb had gone off in their hair. The students all talked with each other about what they'd seen last night and this morning, paying little attention to the faculty.

"AY!" Toilet screamed. "SHUT YER MOUTHS AND LOOK UP 'ERE!"

That got everyone quiet—and not just the students.

"Thank you, Toilet," Two said as he patted his shoulder. "Now! I hope all of you have enjoyed your time here so far. We'll be here the entire week, and there's still a lot to do. So, I've asked the receptionist to give you guys a presentation on the possible activities here. Give her your attention!"

At this point, the students noticed the receptionist and some other people standing a little ways off to the side. The receptionist stepped forward and stood next to Two. "Hi, everyone!" she said. "We're all so glad you came here. There are lots of things to do here in Slalom and the Summit. We have skiing and snowboarding at our ski resort on Yoyle Mountain, which just so happens to be just a few miles away as the crow flies from the hotel. Oh! We've got our own arcade and game rooms downstairs! There's also a nearby park with a couple of ice rinks if anyone wants to play hockey or go skating. The clearing behind the hotel is perfect for snowball fighting, and we're actually going to host a small community snowball fight for fun in a couple of days. And you can always take a trip with one of our many tour partners if you feel like exploring Slalom."

Then the receptionist gestured around her to the hotel. "Of course, if you prefer, the Summit itself has many amenities of its own, including a pool, a café, the arcade and game rooms I just mentioned, a gym, and—oh! By the way, are any of you here for our singing contest?"

Microphone's hand shot up, and Suitcase's and Lightbulb's soon followed. Pin and her group raised their hands as well. The receptionist turned to them and smiled. "Great! The contest itself will be just outside the lobby in the clearing out back, but there are some karaoke rooms on the second floor for you guys to practice in."

MePad cleared his throat and took a step forward. "I'd like to know something, miss," he said as he clasped his hands behind his back. "I read on your website that this singing contest is a yearly thing. Just out of curiosity, how did it start?"

The receptionist's eyes lit up in delight and she pointed a finger at MePad. "Oh, that's a great story. So—uh, are any of you familiar with names like Comet, Acorn, or Chicken Bucket?"

Microphone's jaw dropped and she gasped with wide eyes. "Shut up. You mean the Halolive talents?" she asked breathlessly. "As in, talents from the largest, most loved idol agency in the continent who essentially sets the standard for the competition? The one where all the idols are so pure, they're practically angels amongst humanity? Well...sometimes, anyway?"

"That's a bit biased," the receptionist chuckled, "and I'm not sure that's 100% true...but yes, that's the one. This hotel was actually the venue of Halolive Yoylish's very first concert. We host the singing contest not only to commemorate their first concert but also to help scout for talents. If you're good enough and you fit their tastes, you just might get picked up by Halolive themselves. If you're legal, that is—I don't think they hire minors."

She clapped her hands together and smiled at everyone one more time. "Well, I think that covers the long and short of it! If you guys have any questions, feel free to ask any of the staff here. Have a great time in the city of Slalom!"

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