Okay, Seriously, Though, Why Do They Call Them Hot Chips?

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Some time later...

"All right, we're here!" Two called out as he shifted the bus into park. "Finally! Getting through that line was a nightmare..."

He raised one of his hands, and his signature green aura surrounded it for a moment. All of the students' bags in the back of the bus unzipped themselves. Two clapped his hands twice, and each student's winter clothes suddenly sat neatly folded on their lap.

"Get dressed and get ready, students! It's gonna get cold!" he said. "I'm gonna go check in and get us settled. Tennis Ball, Pencil, you're in charge until I get back." He clapped his hands twice and was gone in the blink of an eye.

Dora and David were not looking forward to watching a bunch of teenagers stripping in a school bus while trying to do the same in freezing cold weather, so they had already switched into their winter clothes before they left. They pushed through everyone toward the door of the bus and made their way to just outside it. As soon as they made contact with the outside world, a freezing gust of air blasted them in the face and they both shut their eyes. They heard Fries' voice yell from inside, "Hey, shut the door! It's cold as health!"

"Yeah, we're naked here!" Puffball added. "Well, almost naked, but still!"

Through the window, they saw Tennis Ball stumble through everyone and reach for the switch to close the door. Once it shut, David and Dora turned and looked around. The parking lot was packed with snow-covered cars, and a few scattered families were making their way to the resort entrance.

The resort itself was more of a collection of buildings than a singular large building like the hotel. They could see a rack of ski poles hanging outside one of the buildings, indicating that that was probably where they would get their gear. Another one of the buildings had some tables and chairs set up outside it, which hinted that it was the canteen. All of the resort's buildings had a sort of rustic theme connecting them all together; they at least seemed built out of wooden logs from the outside, and the fences and gates were also made of wooden planks.

Another gust of cold wind blew into their face. David covered his face with his arm. "Aw, seriously?" he muttered. He motioned backward with his head to Dora, and they both hurried to the other side of the bus to let it block the wind.

"Empiezo a pensar que hubiera preferido ver a nuestros colegas desnudos..." Dora agreed, hugging herself tighter and bending forward slightly.



David and Dora's heads swiveled around to stare at the bus with judgmental glares after hearing the rather suspicious noise in a very masculine falsetto. They heard the faint sounds of giggling and smirking from inside and stared at each other.

"PAUSA." Dora stepped away from the bus and shook her head, disgusted. "A la mierda con eso."

David joined her and tapped her shoulder. They looked at each other, nodded, and left the bus to go find Two.


A few minutes later...

"Hello, gang!" Two greeted with a cheery grin, striding back to the bus with David and Dora in tow and a stack of ticket stubs in his hand. "Are we all ready?"

Almost all of the other students were standing outside the bus, now fully changed and shivering in the cold. "Yeah, pretty much," Saw said before glancing back inside the bus. "We're just waiting on GB and TB."

As if on cue, the door to the bus opened and Tennis Ball stepped out. "...you really need that, GB?" he was asking as he joined the group.

"Yes, Tennis Ball," Golf Ball insisted as she shoved a futuristic-looking pistol into her coat. "What if I lose control and head for a tree, huh? What else is going to remove the tree from my way?"

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