Gay Panic

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"That was fun." OJ leaned on the wall of the elevator and stared up at the light. "We should do that again."

Paper shoved his hands in his pockets and looked away with a nervous chuckle. "Y-yeah...I enjoyed that."

They rode the elevator in peaceful silence together. Paper sneaked a few glances at OJ and nearly fainted once he got a good look at him as the light hit him at the perfect angle. "Oh, my tree, oh, my tree, oh, my tree..." he thought as he quickly looked away. He could already feel his face heating up way too quickly for comfort.

OJ noticed Paper acting strangely and stepped toward him, placing a hand on his shoulder and turning his face toward him. "You okay?" he asked in a concerned voice. "You don't look so—holy hell, dude, your face is really red. We're literally staying right next to a snowy mountain and you already got sunburned?"

"YEAH!" Paper's body scrunched up as he backed up toward the wall, trying to keep his breathing as even as he could and to keep himself from hyperventilating like a dog in a slaughterhouse. "Y-yeah, yeah. I know, m-my skin is ridiculous, isn't it? Yeah? Yeah..."

OJ smirked and went back to leaning on the wall. "Figures. Typical Paper, huh? Wouldn't even surprise me if you got sunburnt indoors at this point."

Paper nodded and gulped, his trembling arms feeling around for the elevator handrail just to keep him from collapsing then and there. "Oh, it's definitely hot as hell in here, all right..." he thought to himself.


The elevator doors opened, and OJ walked out first with a nod to Paper. "Come on," he said. "We've been so busy all day that we haven't even seen our hotel room or our roommates yet."

"Oh, yeah," Paper said, following him into the hallway. "I wonder who they are."

"I think we're with some of the B.F.D. High kids. And I think they already carried our stuff up for us. You know any of them?"

"Uh...none that spring to mind, other than Nickel. I don't think he's here this week, though."

OJ shrugged and continued leading Paper down the hallway. After about a minute of walking, he stopped at one of the doors and pulled out his keycard.

"All right, here we are," he said. Once the green light flickered and the door made a click sound, he opened the door and gave Paper a gentlemanly bow and an exaggerated sweeping gesture with his arm. "After you, my good sir."

"Th-thank you," Paper managed to say after barely managing to keep his mind from melting down. He kept his eyes forward and tried his best not to look back at OJ, for fear of launching himself even further into panic.

What he didn't expect was for the sight in front of him to be even worse.

"Oh, hey, guys," Tree said with a wave, slinging his wet shirt onto his shoulder and stretching his arms up into the air. "Sorry we're topless at the moment; we just got back from swimming in the pool. I take it you're our roommates, then?"

"Ah. Hey. OJ and Paper, right?" Black Hole asked, pulling out a neatly folded shirt and laying it on the bed before brushing his long, wet, slick hair out of his face with his arm. "I'm Black Hole. He's Tree. Nice to meet you guys."

OJ waved at both of them and smiled. "Hey, guys. Yeah, we're with you two. Name's OJ. This one's...Paper?"

He glanced to his side to introduce Paper, but paused when he saw the traumatized look on his face. "Paper, are you sure you're okay?" he asked, reaching for his face and looking for any signs of pain.

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