On the Road Again

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Girls' Bus

"I'm so excited!" Golf Ball said as she took her place next to Test Tube.

Test Tube chuckled and pushed up her glasses. "I've never seen you so excited for a vacation before," she replied as the vehicles left the school. "What's going on?"

"This is my first vacation as Tennis Ball's girlfriend! I promised him that I'd find some way to spend some non-lab quality time with him, and this is the perfect chance! Just imagine it, TT: the two of us, cuddling each other on the edge of a fountain, the dazzling sunset just barely visible over the snow-covered tree line. It'd be just us, not paying attention to anything around us as the entire world blurs around us. I can't wait!"

"Wow. I had no idea you were such a romantic, GB."

"TT, if there's one thing everyone knows about me, it's that I have a lot of secrets."

"I thought you said the one thing everyone knows about you is that you're a bi—"

"And who are you to talk about being romantic, hmm?" Golf Ball leaned closer to Test Tube and smirked as she booped the bridge of her glasses with her finger.


"If you don't confess there, I'll do it for you."

Test Tube suddenly blushed and waved her hands in front of her defensively. "N-NO! Don't! I...I-I...I'm just not ready yet, GB."

"TT. This is literally the most romantic place to do it. You're never going to get this chance again. Actually, you should consider yourself privileged to have such a romantic and perfect first kiss opportunity."

"K-kiss?! I-I...uh...h-heh, i-isn't that taking it a little far, Golf Ball?"

"What do you mean, a little far?! How else would you start a relationship?! This is perfect, TT!"

"Um...w-well, is it really that perfect? I mean, surely there would be some more...suitable places for a confession, right? After all, a hotel doesn't really seem that romantic—"

"You want to talk about an unromantic confession? Try a burning building with cops surrounding you, a camp in the middle of the woods with a crazed murderer, and a rock wall 750 feet off the ground with no descending equipment except a kitchen knife and gravity."

"I-I...w-well, I'll...think about it, okay?"

Golf Ball rolled her eyes and chuckled as she leaned back in her seat. "Test Tube, all you ever do is think."



Paintbrush's Van

"Two really just exposed us like that," Eraser sulked as Paintbrush started the engine and followed the girls' bus.

Cake shrugged and shoved his hands in his pockets. "I mean, it was kinda obvious if you think about it, Eraser. For starters—"

"THAT'S THE POINT, CAKE!" he yelled back. "People aren't supposed to think about it! We're guys!"

"We don't talk about our feelings," Knife explained. "We push them deep down inside and act like we're drunk or high all the time so people think that we're stupid instead."

OJ nodded. "Talking about feelings, having healthy social circles, and dedicating friend time to fulfilling social and mental development that will ultimately make us better people? That's a girl thing, dude."

The incredulous Cake stammered for a few seconds, staring at the boys around him. Then he raised his head up and called, "Paintbrush! Are you hearing this?"

Mischievous Functionजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें