Entry Point

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A few hours later...

"Have you ever robbed a bank before?"

Pillow gave Remote a deceptively sweet smile and replied, "Maybe. That's a story for another time, though."

Remote looked at her right arm and briefly transformed it into its cannon form, but Liy quickly pushed her arm down and looked around nervously. "Hey, put that away," she warned. "We're robbing this place, not blowing it to pieces."

"Not yet, anyway," Pillow said with a nod of agreement. Remote begrudgingly retracted her cannon arm and brought her usual five-fingered hand back.

They heard Pie clear her throat and turned to find her looking at the three of them with a nod. "All right, that should be long enough of a wait," she said. "Showtime. Remote, Liy, do your thing. Pillow and I'll be here if you need us."

Remote and Liy nodded and threw their duffel bags on the floor of the van before rifling through them. Remote pulled out a small keycard scrambler and stuffed it into her pocket while Liy did the same with a lockpick kit. Then, Remote pulled out some trackers and Liy some tiny micro-cams, and both of them gave some of each to the other before storing those as well. Finally, Liy pulled out two identical suppressed gray handguns with some attachments and tossed one to Remote. They both checked their magazines before clicking them back into their guns, slipping them into the inner pockets of their suit jackets, and heading out the back door of the van.

Pillow climbed into the shotgun seat and leaned back, letting out a relaxed sigh and nodding to Pie. "So," she asked, "nice weather today, right?"

Meanwhile, Remote and Liy walked along the sidewalk for a bit before turning right into an alleyway right behind a bank. They spotted one of the cameras fixed above one of the dumpsters and a staircase leading down into a small area below ground. If their blueprints were correct, that area would be where an extra door into the bank would be located and where the second alley camera was. The two girls both turned to each other with an understanding nod as Remote pulled out her gun.

"Don't you dare say another word," Remote said in a threatening tone as she pushed Liy into view of the camera and pointed her gun at her, keeping her voice low enough to avoid alerting nearby passersby but just loud enough that the camera would be able to pick up on it.

"I-I don't have any more money on me, I swear," Liy pleaded as she raised her hands up in surrender, leveling her voice at the same volume as Remote's and backing up.

"Now somehow I don't believe that."

Remote drew her gun back and pretended to pistol-whip Liy in the face. Liy made a show of turning around and clutching her face, groaning in pain. After a few moments, Remote grabbed Liy by the back of her collar and forced her down the stairs, pressing the barrel to the back of her head.

The girls continued edging their way down the stairs until Remote saw that the camera couldn't see them anymore. She nodded to Liy, and the two of them rapidly made their way down the steps until they reached the lower area. The door leading into the basement was on a wall to the right, and the second camera was fixed up in a nearby corner on their left.

"Crud, there's sensors..." Liy muttered as she noticed the set of red lights near the top corner of the door. "That's a problem. I can pick the lock, but the second that thing opens, the alarm's going to go off. I think Pie might know how to get past them, though."

"We don't have time to get her," Remote said. "That show probably got the attention of a couple of guards already. We've got maybe ten, fifteen seconds at best. Get in position; we'll have to figure something else out."

Liy nodded and rushed to lean against the back wall of the area facing the stairs, clutching her arm and groaning in mock agony. Remote sneaked under the camera and waited a few seconds to make sure that it would see Liy's "pain." Then, she reached up and quickly looped it before pulling out her gun and hiding behind the wall.

They both waited in tense silence as second by second seemed to tick by slowly. Finally, they heard faint footsteps from the concrete above. "They went down here!" a voice said, and soon two sets of rapidly descending footsteps were coming closer and closer down the stairs.

As soon as Liy saw the first guard, she sniffled and cried, "Ow...it hurts so bad..."

The first guard quickly holstered her gun and rushed toward Liy, holding her arm out in front of her with a concerned expression. "What happened?" she asked. "What's going on? Do you need help?"

The second guard followed soon enough and lowered his gun, but he didn't holster it. He cast a wary glance around the small area, but by the time he spotted Remote crouching in the corner, she had already lunged toward him and pressed her gun's barrel against the side of his head. "Nope," she said with a smirk as she yanked the gun out of his hand with her free arm and tossed it aside. "You've already done quite enough for us."

The first guard whirled around and saw her hostaged partner. She instinctively reached for her own gun but found herself only clawing at empty air.

"Looking for this?" Liy asked in a taunting voice, tossing the guard's gun onto the ground in front of her as she kept her own pointed at the guard's face. "Thanks for the help, miss."

With a nod to each other, the two girls pistol-whipped the guards in the head and knocked them unconscious. They both slipped their guns back into their suit jackets as Liy walked over to Remote with a sigh and looked down at the bodies.

"Well, let's hope these fit," she muttered as she took off her necktie and started unbuttoning her shirt. Remote nodded and started to do the same.

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