Leaving Shadows Behind

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chapter thirty one

A week later, you find yourself at a local park, accompanied by Yuzuha and Hakkai. The three of you leisurely stroll along the winding paths, relishing in the simple pleasure of each other's company. The sun casts a warm glow, creating a serenity you haven't felt in a long time.

"I need to take a break from Toman," you suddenly remember yourself telling Mikey while the two of you were sitting on the rooftop side by side. 

Sadness had flickered in Mikey's eyes, he was trying so hard to understand the importance of your decision and how much it meant to you. But he couldn't help but long for you to stay with him.

"I need to focus on the relationship I'm building with my siblings," you had explained softly. "I want to make up for the time we lost when I was all caught up in Taiju's crap."

Mikey's expression had softened after that, his genuine care for you evident in his gaze. He reached out to take your hand, offering you his support. "I understand," he replied, his voice filled with understanding. "Your family should always come first. Take all the time you need, and know that I'll be here for you."

What makes you feel sick to your stomach isn't the fact that you decided to temporarily leave Toman, but the fact that you haven't seen Mikey since that night on the rooftop. A pang of guilt washes over you as you reflect on the time that has passed. The intensity of your feelings for him lingers, and you begin to ache to be with him again.

Suddenly, you're snapped back to reality as Yuzuha waves her hand in front of your face, concern etched on her features. "Hey, are you alright?" she asks, her voice filled with genuine worry. "You look like you just saw a ghost."

Hakkai then joins in, his eyes reflecting the same concern. "What's going on, Y/N? Is something bothering you?"

You take a deep breath, mustering a smile to reassure them. "I'm okay, really," you reply, your voice tinged with a hint of unease. "Just lost in thought, I guess. Let's keep walking. Hakkai, weren't you saying something about going back to school?" you inquire, hoping to shift the focus to something positive.

Hakkai's eyes light up and a smile grows on his face as he begins to open up about his plans. He had initially put everything on hold when he joined the Black Dragons, but now he'd determined to make a difference in the community, just like Mikey. He begins to talk about wanting to study social work or something related, to help those who are struggling and create a better future for everyone.

Yuzuha curiously then chimes in, asking, "What's going to happen to the Black Dragons now?" 

Hakkai pauses for a moment, contemplating his response. "Well, I think that-" he begins, but before he can answer, you quickly interject, caution in your voice.

"Let's not discuss that here, Hakkai," you say, mindful of the potential risks of discussing such matters in public. "It's better to keep things low-key for now, you know? We don't want to draw any unnecessary attention when nothing's even certain yet."

"Yeah, you're right. Sorry," Yuzuha smiles softly.

"It's alright. Anyway, back to what you were saying, Hakkai... Do you know what you're going to study? Social work?"

"Uhh, I'm not really sure yet..." he answers nervously, much to your surprise. "I haven't had too much time to think of it and I'm still kind of exploring my options," he confesses. "But I know I want to make a positive impact. I'll figure it out along the way."

With a supporting smile, you assure him that he has plenty of time to discover his true calling. For now, focusing on his decision to return to school and pursue his dreams is a step in the right direction.

"Hey, Yuzuha," Hakkai then changes the subject quickly, "What do you plan on doing now?"

His question hangs in the air, and for a moment, you exchange a knowing glance with him. You shake your head subtly, indicating that Yuzuha probably doesn't want to talk about her plans. She's been just doing odd jobs for the longest time and has expressed multiple times that she hates it. Hakkai's confusion is evident as he silently mouths the word "what?"

Yuzuha hesitates for a moment, her eyes darting between you and Hakkai, before finally speaking up. "Actually, I wanted to talk to you guys about that. Mitsuya approached me recently and offered me a job in his clothing design company. I'll be working as the marketing person, responsible for promoting Mitsuya's designs and ensuring that the word gets out to people who might be interested. I'm actually really excited about this opportunity."

Hakkai beams with pride as he listens to Yuzuha talk. "Wow, Yuzuha, that's amazing! I'm so proud of you."

You can't help but feel a swell of happiness for your sister. The strides she has taken and the new path she's beginning fill you with pride. Hakkai's genuine support only adds to the joy of the moment.

Soon enough, Hakkai spots an ice cream truck parked nearby. His eyes light up with delight as he says, "You know what? This calls for a celebration. I see an ice cream truck over there. Let's all get something!"

"Oh, I don't know," you shake your head, so used to being extremely cautious with your money.

"Come on, Y/N. We've got the money for it now," he then tells you before taking both you and Yuzuha by the hand and pulling you over toward the truck. 

The genuine smiles lighting up their faces tug at your heartstrings, an overwhelming surge of emotion filling your eyes with tears. The happiness radiating from your siblings are like priceless treasures, ones you wouldn't trade for the world. And in this moment, surrounded by the simple joy of shared ice cream and the warmth of your siblings' presence, you realize that there's nothing more precious than the happiness of those you hold dear.

{UNDERCOVER} Manjiro Sano x Fem!ReaderWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt